Gunther Had Impressed Many "People Of Influence" In WWE Before Intercontinental Title Win

Gunther has impressed many "people of influence" in WWE, but that isn't a new thing.

The former WALTER had plenty of people on his side all along, as his lengthy NXT UK Title reign indicated, but we're told that many things have put him in favor with WWE. Among them include his move to the United States, and his dedication to his diet and training. Those that we spoke to within WWE said that Walter getting in shape and being willing to move to the United States after not seeming interested in the latter was a good sign for him.

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We're told that from the time he was brought over to the United States, it was always planned and implied that he'd move to the main roster. However, the Imperium split was a bit abrupt. Gunther's willingness to "play ball" and make the best out of his move, his lifestyle changes and even his new name were all have said to have made great impressions, as not everyone was willing to change their name.

As if that weren't enough, at least one source indicated to us that Vince McMahon enjoyed Gunther's in-ring work based on what he's seen of it on the Smackdown brand!

In the hours that followed this post, Gunther won the WWE Intercontinental Title

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