- We've confirmed that MLW star Jacob Fatu suffered a knee injury at the recent MLW tapings. Much of his family was in attendance at the show.
- MLW has brought on Sean Grabin for some of their PR work. He's received praise in the past with his work at AXS, helping with a variety of promotions.
- Recently, we had a Q&A question about who produces and agents matches for MLW. We're told it's Court Bauer, Lince Dorado, Davey Richards, Delirious and Savio Vega.
- MLW is in the process of developing a revival of the MLW UNDERGROUND series, which originally premiered 20 years ago this spring. It would be a limited series type concept. The original MLW UNDERGROUND aired on regional sports networks and featured Joey Styles calling the action.
- Ben-K and YAMATO are coming to this week's MLW show. There will be more Dragon Gate talent announced for upcoming dates.
- Cesar Duran, the former Dario Cueto, is filming a movie.
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