It's that time of year again.
Several years removed from Alberto Del Rio running over Santa to start a babyface run, the annual tradition continues -- Del Rio has talked about WWE's interest in him. Except this time, there's a little more honesty, and he admitted to Steve Fall of that he'd not spoken with the new regime. He elaborated and said that in the past he'd spoken to John Laurinaitis about coming in.
Even in the past regimes, one WWE higher up told Fightful last year that "There's no fucking way that happens" about a Del Rio return. That same higher up elaborated that since his most recent exit, there were never any serious conversations or pitches to bring Del Rio back, even from Laurinaitis himself. Instead, it was portrayed to us that those conversations were more Del Rio gauging possible interest for himself than back and forth discussions and negotiations.
Fightful was told that those that would need to be in favor of Del Rio to hire haven't been keen on him since well before his WWE exit. When we asked if his name had even been pitched for a possible Royal Rumble entry in previous years, we were told that a tenured person in the know couldn't remember of such a thing happening.
Beyond that, we've also heard of no interest from IMPACT, AEW or NJPW
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