Backstage Notes from NXT Stand And Deliver
- There was a big focus going into the show on everyone hitting their allotted time marks.
- There was concern after the opening match that Bron Breakker had his bell rung, but upon arriving backstage it was clear Breakker was fine.
- Triple H was backstage at the show, but didn’t influence creative. It was very much a Shawn Michaels show.
- There were a lot of big reactions backstage for the North American Championship triple threat match.
- Ridge Holland is expected to be on NXT TV this week to explain why he attacked Joe Gacy.
- Meta Four got universal praise for their hosting gig.
- The Women’s North American Championship has been in plans since late last year, with a tournament expected over the next few weeks to crown the first champion.
Joe Gacy vs Shawn Spears: Oney Lorcan
NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Wolf Dogs (Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker) (c) vs Nathan Frazer and Axiom: Steve Corino
NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi vs Dijak vs Josh Briggs: Matt Bloom
Six-Woman Tag Team Match: Thea Hail, Kelani Jordan and Fallon Henley vs Izzy Dame, Jacy Jayne and Kiana James: Jonny Moss/Oney Lorcan
NXT Women’s Championship Match: Lyra Valkyria vs Roxanne Perez: Johnny Moss
NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov vs Tony D’Angelo: Fit Finlay
Metafour Promo written by Johnny Russo
Trick Williams vs Carmelo Hayes: Terry Taylor
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