WWE wanted to lock down Retribution for years to come.
A few months after the members of Retribution took WWE by storm, they were offered new deals by the company. All of the members -- Mia Yim (Reckoning), Shane Thorne (Slapjack), Dio Maddin (Mace) and Dominik Dijakovic (T-Bar) were presumably on NXT contracts when they were first called up.
Fightful Select reported the following.
Fightful has learned details on new contract offers to members of Retribution. Several sources with knowledge of the deals say that in the fall of 2020 WWE offered each member of the stable -- not including Ali -- three year contracts worth $250,000 per year. This is significantly lower than a lot of the incoming deal offers made in the last two years with more competition on the scene, but obviously the state of the world has changed things in that regard. Some of the call-ups earlier last year were told that they could possibly re-negotiate offers when and if things change, but we weren't told if Retribution were extended the same courtesy, or even if they signed on the dotted line. We have heard of numerous wrestlers in WWE who have opted to pass on renewing their contracts, instead choosing to wait until their leverage is better.
Fightful hasn't confirmed if the contracts were signed or countered, just that the offers were made. Later, Ali joined the fold.
This article first appeared on our premium service, Fightful Select. Subscribe to get exclusive news every day, and a half-dozen weekly podcasts. It also appeared in our Fightful Wrestling Weekly newsletter, free on Fightful.
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