Scorpio Sky Cleared For Return, Details On AEW Absence

With several wrestlers in AEW out of action, and others headed back, fans have asked for updates from some absent stars.

Scorpio Sky has been out of action for nearly five months since losing the AEW TNT Championship to Wardlow in their street fight on July 6's Dynamite. Scorpio had been dealing with a leg injury in the months that led to his departure, which put him on the shelf.

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However, Fightful Select has learned that Scorpio Sky has been cleared for quite some time and has been eligible for an in-ring return. However, thus far no creative plans for him have been put forward. He was at another episode of Dynamite over the summer and filmed content, but it didn't end up airing.

We actually spoke with Scorpio Sky briefly at Wrestlecade on camera, and he seemed in good spirits.

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