Several Released WWE Wrestlers Weren't Told They'd Still Be Included In WWE 2K22

The WWE 2K22 roster reveal ahead of its release earlier this year caught some people by surprise -- specifically some people on the roster.

Fightful has spoken to several members of the WWE 2K22 roster that have been released along the way since they were scanned in. None of them that we spoke to were informed explicitly ahead of the announcement that they'd be included in the game, but some caught wind of it in the days prior. We've spoken to numerous wrestlers who weren't told outright that they'd be getting paid for it, but to "expect something" later this year.

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In addition, we've also heard the same that Mike Straw of SGO reported earlier this year, that WWE specifically wanted Bray Wyatt removed from the game.

AJ Francis of Hit Row told us that they were close to being scanned into the game, but they were released before they could be added. Although he wanted to be a part of it, regardless of being released.

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