Several Wrestlers Pushed To Work With John Cena At WWE WrestleMania

Austin Theory ended up getting the spot, but several wrestlers had been pushing to work with John Cena.

Dating back to last Summer, there was top level talent in WWE who were angling to work with Cena on the WrestleMania show. We're told that several talent that got wind of Cena being planned for WrestleMania, and open to what will be his first WrestleMania singles match in front of a live crowd since 2018. At one point, there were actually people within WWE who were pushing for Cody Rhodes to face John Cena, even though by August, it was pretty well determined that Cody would be facing Roman Reigns.

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Logan Paul was considered for John Cena, and even tentatively planned as of the fall according to internal WWE documents. There was nothing on the slate for Austin Theory as of that point, but as of December, WWE had nailed down Theory vs. Cena, and shortly after finalized Rollins vs. Logan Paul.

This year was Cena's singles match at WrestleMania in front of a live crowd that was promoted ahead of time since Rusev.

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