Update On Brooks Jensen In WWE

Brooks Jensen isn't going anywhere, at least for the time being.

Last week, Brooks posted his booking email and insinuated on social media that he was no longer with WWE.

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In asking Brooks himself, Fightful Select's Corey Brennan was told to ask higher ups. Initially in asking around, Brennan was met with uncertainty around Brooks' behavior, including from other NXT talent. On May 31st at an NXT live event in Tampa, Brooks would appear, taking a seat at ringside that had previously been occupied, branding a "Bret would book this better." Upon being confronted by security, he would throw the sign and protest before ultimately being escorted out of the venue.

In asking futher in NXT, Brennan was told by a source close to the creative process that Brooks' social media posts have been storyline and that Brooks has been present at several tapings in recent weeks, including sneaking into the crowd for a Level Up taping as previously highlighted on social media. We were also told to expect the story to become a part of NXT programming soon and was compared to Grayson Waller's previous storyline with Shawn Michaels.

One WWE talent had noted to Brennan their hope that Brooks' attitude was linked to a storyline, noting that Brooks is one of the most hardworking talent they had come across in the industry.

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