Elias hasn't been seen in eight months, since he inexplicably lost five matches to Jaxson Ryker. Following that, WWE ran vignettes saying Elias was "dead."
Well, his booking was at that point. We're told that at some point Elias was to return with trunks and a new look that was shown off in the WWE 2K22 reference photos. However, we've learned Vince McMahon said he looked too much like Randy Savage and nixed the outfit for the time being. There wasn't much follow up in the time since then.
Of late, we've heard that Elias vignettes were filmed and he'd been tentatively slated for a return to Raw, but that "doesn't really mean anything until firm plans are set." There was also a name change pitched, though we haven't heard any details on what it is or if it'll go through.
We'll keep you updated on his status.
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