WWE Higher Ups Think There's A Better Chance Of Bray Wyatt Return Now

WWE has been bringing back talent on a weekly basis under Triple H, prompting many to believe that Bray Wyatt could find his way back to the company.

Fightful Select has spent the past couple of weeks gauging interest from WWE higher ups, staff, and talent internally. If you thought Vince McMahon no longer being in control was a good sign for this marriage to reunite, you'd be right.

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One talent said that he could tell by last year that Vince McMahon was simply "done" with Bray Wyatt, and just didn't like him personally. McMahon would shout derogatory things at Bray Wyatt about his physique, which the talent believes actually stemmed from the fact that Wyatt would often criticize the lack of creative direction that his stories or characters would go to. When word emerged of Bray Wyatt having a "bad attitude," that came from those who worked directly with Vince McMahon. There were also several other instances of rumors started within that circle to ease the heat off of WWE for releasing him. Those that worked with him heavily were quick to shoot down those rumors, which aren't worth mentioning now. One WWE higher up said Vince McMahon had reservations whenever Wyatt's name was brought up post-release.

"When things were shit, Wyatt would say they were shit, and Vince saw that as difficult to deal with," one WWE higher up said, before noting they think he'd fit way better in today's WWE landscape

One of those major points of frustration came at WrestleMania 2021 after months of a Randy Orton-Bray Wyatt storyline, things were changed days before the match. One person who worked on the match and story said "No one at any point among the journey.... once... had a fucking clue as to what the fuck was supposed to happen. The finish changed the day before, they'd bragged a surprise. Randy Orton was supposed to lose and have months off." Instead, Bray Wyatt was effectively done in WWE.

Another talent recalled that, saying that type of thing is why they specifically didn't push back on their creative, because if Wyatt could get fired, they certainly didn't feel safe.When the firing was cited as "budget cuts" that was another hit to morale for several we'd spoken to at the time. One talent said "if he makes the company money hand over fist and they use budget cuts as an excuse, what am I?" That talent has since been let go by the company.

While we don't know the relationship between Triple H and Bray Wyatt specifically, several noted the obvious -- it's a clean slate. If Triple H thinks a talent can help the company or make money, most believe he's largely going to throw whatever issues they had with Vince McMahon out the window for the sake of creating a better show. The talent outside of WWE that we've heard from about this particular situation say that even if they were booked poorly in WWE or Triple H himself, him being in control renews optimism in that sense, as there's no Vince McMahon over him. One person who worked heavily with Bray Wyatt said "I can't speak for him, but I know I've heard his name brought up, and I don't know how you couldn't feel better about coming in now if you were him?"

Also, several current talent said they'd happily "go to bat" for him, but don't believe he'd need it.

There were many people that noted to us at Wrestlecon that it didn't seem like Bray Wyatt had completely closed the door on WWE, but that's more for him to say. It was reiterated to us that he had no interest in going to IMPACT Wrestling.

Those close to Wyatt have started to get very quiet about happenings with him, where they would formerly shoot down incorrect reports about his mental health, or fake rumors of negotiations. We can confirm that his name has at least been pitched for a return within creative. However, that's hardly guaranteeing a return, as many names have been pitched within creative, either by Triple H or someone else on the team.

We can confirm there had been interest to some degree for Wyatt to do some acting, but we're not sure where that stands now.

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