Your fight-size wrestling update for August 26!
- You can see a video of Global Force Wrestling stars arriving at AAA Triplemania above.
- Big Cass underwent successful surgery this week and has started rehab.
- You can see a video of NXT Superstars' dream matches below.
- GFW star Eddie Edwards won the GHC Championship from Katsuhiko Nakajima in Pro Wrestling NOAH.
- Kelly Kelly is on the cover of the newest Runway Magazine.
- You can see After IMPACT below.
- Dasha Fuentes’ alma mater University of Central Florida honored her with the 30 Under 30 Award.
- A new set of Puma shoes were inspired by WWE ice cream bars.
- GFW posted an interview with Johnny Impact, which you can see below.
- Don't forget to head over to to see all of our podcasts, including our archived shows from JJ Dillon, Vince Russo, Shane Helms, Matt Riddle and more!