Glenn Jacobs (Kane) On Potentially Running For Governor Of Tennessee: I'm Considering My Options

Glenn Jacobs is weighing his options.

Glenn Jacobs has a legendary career in the wrestling world, most notably as Kane, and he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2021. He has transitioned into politics, as he was elected the Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, in 2018. Jacobs won a second term as Mayor in 2022.

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Jacobs' future is unclear, as his last term as Mayor will end in 2026. At that point in time, Governor Bill Lee's second term will be ending as well.

Speaking with Jack Hunter of the Washington Examiner, Jacobs was asked whether there was any chance that he would run for governor.

“Yes. I have two more years in office and am term-limited, so I’m considering my options, including whether I’ll remain in politics," Jacobs said.

Jacobs serving as a governor would not be unprecedented in the wrestling world. Jesse "The Body" Ventura previously served as the Governor of Minnesota.

Donald Trump recently mentioned Kane and the Undertaker at a rally in Iowa. More information is available here.

Former WWE star Maven has called Kane a locker room leader. Check out his comments here.

Click here to see what Glenn Jacobs had to say about potentially returning to the ring.

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