Hangman Page is getting into the book game.
On Monday, The Young Bucks officially announced their upcoming autobiography, which is set to be released on Sept. 29. The announcement was made on Monday's episode of Being The Elite, which turned out to be the "huge announcement" teased by the Young Bucks over the weekend.
Not to be outdone, Hangman Page teased his own huge announcement on Tuesday.
huge announcement coming this afternoon on my insta story.
— HANGMAN PAGE (@theAdamPage) February 25, 2020
i’ve been working on this for a very long time. can’t wait to share.https://t.co/gmUWWsIVF7
And Hangman delivered a book of his own, revealing he has written a children's book that will be available on May 24.
.@theAdamPage announcement! -------- pic.twitter.com/Ql2TlPEbnk
— -------------- (@melissax1125) February 25, 2020
i have written a book.
— HANGMAN PAGE (@theAdamPage) February 25, 2020
thanks so much to @TrismBooks and @idrawandwrite for bringing it all to life.
PRE-ORDER NOW: https://t.co/3zezE2Ecve pic.twitter.com/nCUYPVUg8z
Cody Rhodes, Colt Cabana, and The Young Bucks have previously written children's books for Trism Books.
Here is a synopsis of Hangman's book from the publisher:
Adam’s faded second-hand guitar never left his side. He played it at home. He played it at school. He even slept with it. As Adam and the rest of the Elite Team practiced their talents, Adam felt overshadowed by his friends. He just wasn’t good enough… When he heard about the legend of the Golden Horseshoe, and its charm to make champions, he knew he had to find it for himself. But on his quest, Adam finds more than just the horseshoe. Will he finally find the champion within himself?
You can find more details about the book by clicking here.