Hangman Page would not piss.
The former AEW World Champion appeared on a Highspots virtual signing and roughly two hours in, Hangman revealed that he needed to use the bathroom.
"I gotta pee. I'll wait. I want to hold it. I'll test myself. Y'all think I can hold my pee? I want to know if I can hold my pee for an unknown amount of time," he said.
Hangman was informed that there were still 245 orders to sign.
"All of these orders are free if I piss myself. Is that what happens, you hold your pee and get kidney stones? I'm tough," he said.
A crotch cam was eventually set up to see if Hangman's pants became wet.
"Let me know if there are tricks for holding your pee. I want to try all the tips and see which one is effective or ineffective. It's an experiment, which will further distract me from having to pee," he said before being told things like drink more water. Drinking more water did not work.
Jokes were also tried on Hangman in an effort to get him to pee. That did not work.
When it was said that Hangman is in a pee holding Iron Man match, Hangman said, "In an iron man match, you can suffer a fall. In this scenario, that would be me pissing myself at least once."
Hangman then gave a statement to all the haters out there who were rooting against him.
"I want the doubters and the haters to know that I haven't pissed myself since I was a little kid. No adult piss myself situations, not drunk or nothing. I haven't pissed myself since I was a kid. If you think it's going to happen tonight, think again, pricks," he stated.
When Jon Moxley was brought up, Hangman said, "No, that dude, he's probably got piss pants right now," before conceding that he might lose a "piss pants match" in Ohio. "The Ohio advantage is real."
Hangman is set to face Moxley in a Texas Deathmatch at AEW Revolution.
It was then suggested that Hangman could maybe use a catheter. "That'd be a hell of way to end my career. Installing a catheter live," he said.
After another hour of signing items and dealing with cold water, Hangman made it through without pissing himself.
Piss easy, Hangman Page, piss easy.