Hideki Suzuki was released by WWE on January 5 after portraying Hachiman as part of the Diamond Mine group.
His non-compete clause has expired and now he's looking for work.
"I was dismissed and officially freed from the 5th. Now I am completely unemployed. Someone please give me a job," he said in an interview with Tokyo Sports.
Suzuki noted that he was shocked by his dismissal and that his credit card was misused as there was a purchase made, that he didn't recall, for $900 from Amazon. It was not clarified if the misuse of the credit card came during his time with WWE or after his release.
He also said he was called by MMA fighter Shinya Aoki following his release.
Both Suzuki and Aoki competed in the Inoki Genome Federation.
Suzuki had signed with the company in April 2021 to be a coach at the Performance Center.
You can learn more about his release by clicking here.