Hulk Hogan discusses his near-death experience.
In order to keep himself feeling good, Hulk Hogan undergoes stem cell treatment. Speaking to Steve Austin on the Steve Austin Show, Hogan revealed the dangers of stem cell treatment when done in an unfamiliar setting.
"I was going to Guatemala [for stem cell treatment], but I had a Joan Rivers moment down there where they almost lost me on the table," claimed Hogan. "Right now, I'm going to Tampa Rejuvenation Center. When I first started going down to Mexico, they took the bone marrow out of my hips, spun the blood, and hit me the stem cells the first time, and I was fine. Then, they took my stem cells to LA and colonized them, and when I went back to Guadalajara, there was a 24-hour window when the doctor left LA, and I had to meet him there and have them injected within 24 hours. As soon as they put the needle in my arm, my eyes rolled back, and it felt like I had 25 elephants sitting on me. Thank God, my wife was there because nobody spoke English, but she read my eyes, and I was desperate. They got the paddles out and were ready to hit me with the paddles, and I was going under. When they shut it off, we found out later they had soaked the stem cells in DMSO so they wouldn't crystalize when you froze them. I'm allergic to DMSO."
Hogan isn't the only wrestler to use stem cell treatment as John Morrison recently revealed that he would be getting the treatment to help with past injuries.
Elsewhere during the interview, Hogan revealed that he wanted to turn heel in 1990, but Vince McMahon turned the idea down. You can read his comments by clicking here.