Hulk Hogan could have been a part of the original A-Team.
Hogan has started a series of videos where he would answer questions from fans, and Hogan was asked about being a part of the acclaimed 1980s television series "The A-Team." Hogan made two appearances on the show and revealed that he was offered a spot to be on the show full-time, but declined it due to bickering between co-stars George Peppard and Mr. T.
"I had a blast on the A-Team. At the end of the day, they wanted me to come on to the show full-time and have me and Mr. T be the greatest salt and pepper ever team on TV, but the problem was, I get tired of being a referee. Mr. T would say, 'Oh Hulk, you can't be George Peppard's friend. He's not your friend, I'm your friend.' Those guys were fighting all the time back in the day on the A-Team. But I loved doing the show. I did two or three episodes, but I wanted to be in the wrestling ring more than being a referee to George Peppard and Mr. T. That's a great show," Hogan said.
Hogan was also asked about bodyslamming Andre the Giant in the main event of WrestleMania 3 in 1987. Hogan said it was the greatest thing he has ever done in the wrestling ring.
"When I got that 7'4", almost 700-pound, big giant over my head and slammed him in front of 93,000 people, it was like the tremors around the world. It was like everybody around the world, not just in North America, could feel the slam heard around the world. It was the greatest thing I ever did in the wrestling ring. It was a one-time deal, brother, and I'm glad that giant went up and came crashing down," Hogan said.
The full Q&A video can be seen at the top of the page.