Jade Cargill would be willing to beat up Bow Wow if Tony Khan booked the match.
AEW star Swerve Strickland previously stated that he wanted to see Bow Wow come to AEW, and the rapper seemingly expressed his interest by asking where he had to sign. Bow Wow went on to say that he wanted to take Cargill to dinner following his victory in his potential debut, and the two stars have been trading words on Twitter ever since. In a previous interview, Cargill stated that a bout between her and Bow Wow would be another five-minute match, and she thinks fans are tired of those.
Speaking with The Breakfast Club on 105.1 FM, Cargill discussed her exchanges with Bow Wow. She stated that him saying he wanted to take her out to dinner was wild, as even a quick Google search would show that she's married. For this reason, Cargill noted that it was a disrespectful thing to do.
"Listen, who? Who is that? Who? Bow Wow? So listen, I don’t know what he thought he was gonna do. I have an amazing man at home, and the fact that he said he wanted to take me to dinner, that was wild. That was disrespectful. You can easily Google or look at any of my interviews. I talk about him all the time because I wouldn’t be able to do it without him. So I was just like, who do you think you are to say something like that? For me to say, oh you can’t afford me, I meant what I said. It is what is is. People get mad at that all they want, but it is what it is," Cargill said.
Later in the interview, Cargill stated that a potential match with Bow Wow would be a joke, given the height difference between them. However, she declared that she would beat him up if AEW President Tony Khan booked the match.
"He’s talking a good game, so let’s see what’s up. What is he, like four-foot tall? It’s gonna be a joke. I don’t have time for this. Y’all already know what it is. If our owner lets us have a match where I can whoop his ass, I will because he’s been running his mouth way too. My man has been way too calm, and it’s not sweet at all," she said.
Cargill previously took a shot at Bow Wow by saying he's not the main attraction of his own concert. Check out her comments here.
In a recent interview, Cargill stated that the women in AEW can put on five-star matches, and they just need the time to do so. More information is available here.
Cargill will defend the AEW TBS Championship against Nyla Rose at AEW Full Gear. Check out the card here.