Jim Cornette is going after G-Raver, The Indy Connection, Indy Connection owner William Molnar, and Shopify, filing a federal trademark lawsuit against the parties over a "Fuck Jim Cornette" t-shirt.
The t-shirt depicted an image of what appeared to be Cornette's face, gagged with x's over his eyes and needles poking into his forehead with blood splattering. The t-shirt also featured the phrase "Fuck Jim Cornette."
According to Forbes' David Bixenspan, Cornette claims he “did not consent to the use of his name or image” and that Raver, The Indy Connection, and Shopify were making money off of him by selling the sure.
G-Raver suffered a gruesome arm injury at GCW-BLP 2 Cups Stuffed when he sliced his arm on a light tube ladder spot gone wrong. The clip was shared to Cornette, who posted the following response.
That's a nasty little nick the guy got on his arm there at the end, if the fans were lucky they probably stopped the show so everyone could watch this idiot bleed out. https://t.co/vdlY9W5lYX
— Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette) August 31, 2019
G-Raver replied with the following tweet.
Hey @TheJimCornette , let me see you at a convention. I’ll spit in your fucking mouth. You’ve done nothing to me. Now you’re an advocate for death? pic.twitter.com/lrPjmPdiDH
— G-RaVeR (@StaySickGRAVER) August 31, 2019
After the exchange, G-Raver and Indy Connection began selling the shirt through Shopify. Cornette’s lawyer, Stephen P. New tweeted that a lawsuit would be coming. A month later, Cornette began selling the shirt through his shop.
The Indy Connection tried to file a trademark for use of the the phrase “Fuck Jim Cornette” on clothing in September. “The trademark application is still pending and we will be filing an objection in the USPTO in the next few days,” New told Bixenspan.
The complaint lists Cornette as "a professional wrestling living legend and believed by many to be the world’s leading expert on all matters having in any way to do with the sport of professional wrestling.” The complaint cites claims of unfair competition, trademark dilution, trademark cyberpiracy, common law trademark infringement, unfair competition, and dilution, unauthorized use of plaintiff’s name and likeness, and, in the alternative, conspiracy under Pennsylvania law.
G-Raver told Bixenspan that he has yet to be served by the complaint. New replied that they have 90 days to serve. New also noted, "The defendants were given ample opportunity to resolve this matter amicably and chose to force Mr Cornette to resort to litigation. Accordingly, opportunities to resolve this amicably no longer exist. I believe we will prevail ultimately on the merits of this action.”
G-Raver sent out the following tweet, which is a reference to the reported lawsuit. "Grover" is the nickname Cornette tagged G-Raver with.
Just let it be known, I was the guy who didn’t back down from some fucking shit “legend” regardless of the outcome, it’s what it’s worth. I’d lose my ass before I just lay down and sign my mouth away. It’s been fun and I can’t wait for Xmas! #Grover pic.twitter.com/grBAYXewiu
— G-RaVeR (@StaySickGRAVER) December 22, 2019
G-Raver is still recovering from the injury. Fans can donate to his GoFundMe by clicking here.