Jon Moxley Confirms Blackpool Combat Club Likes To Read, Enjoys Having His Own Space In History

Jon Moxley says it's true.

Bryan Danielson recently said that there was a Blackpool Combat Club book club, and it helped the members of the group (Danielson, Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta) stay connected.

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In an interview with Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated, Jon Moxley confirmed the existence of the club. He also cited a line from Ozan Varol’s Awaken Your Genius that spoke to him.

“Yeah, we f------ like to read. The line is like, ‘A genius, in the words of Thelonious Monk, is the one most like himself. Genius, in its Latin origin, refers to the attendant spirit present at birth in every person. Each of us is like Aladdin, and our genie–or our genius–is bottled up inside of us waiting to be awakened.’ It’s kind of what I think of when I say there’s only one me. That’s why I try to focus on what I’m doing. What’s the saying? Comparison is the death of happiness? I’m the only one of me. Forgive me for speaking in the third person, but I’m the only Jon Moxley there is. I don’t see another one walking in any f------ time soon," Moxley said.

Moxley went on to note that he likes the idea that others would not know where to classify him in history. He stated that others would not know where to put him on their lists or where to classify him, so they would have to give him his own space.

“When it’s all said and done, and I’ve been eaten by a cougar or something and people look back on everything, I like the idea that you won’t know where to classify me in history. You don’t know where to put me on your lists or your rankings or whatever the f---. You have no idea where to classify me, but you can’t ignore me, so you’re going to have to give me my own space. I like that," Moxley said.

Moxley defended the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship at NJPW Resurgence. Check out our coverage of the show here.

At NJPW Dominion, Moxley is set to defend the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship against EVIL. More information is available here.

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