Impact Wrestling's Kiera Hogan spoke with Interactive Wrestling Radio for an interview recently. You can see the full interview above, and highlights below.
If she'd ever want to do a "daughter" angle with Hulk Hogan:
"(laughs) I wouldn't be opposed to it. I've actually had a conversation with Brooke Hogan about it. She got a hold of me and was like, "We should be sisters or something!" I was like, "That would be so cool!" My real name is Kiera Hogan. That is my real real name. When I got into wrestling, I was like, "That works. I already am a Hogan!" But, I didn't want to steal off what he (Hulk) was doing. I wanted to be my own Hogan. I want to be my own person. I want to be the "Girl on Fire" and set myself apart from Hulkamania and all that other jazz. But, I definitely am not opposed to it. Of course, I was a fan. But, I definitely want to be able to do my own thing at the same time."
What "Girl on Fire" means:
"When I first started training, I didn't have a specific character. I was just Kiera Hogan. "The First Lady of Atlanta", that was what the promotion I still work for, AWE, gave to me. After my first match, I kind of got comfortable... I kind of got full of myself, honestly. I was like, "I don't want to go to training. I don't want to do this, I don't want to do that." My boyfriend, Owen Knight, told me I needed to find my fire. When he said that, I thought "Girl on Fire. Why not? Why not be the fire?" That pretty much is where it started. I just needed to find my fire. Three years later, I completely found it."