Welcome to another edition of
where I report on the weird and the wacky
in the world of wrestling
in this episode
That's What Happens
When You Do Farm Work In A String Bikini
So a while ago, I gifted you with the video of Lana, clad only in a string bikini and cowboy boots, climbing a giant wall of hay on a farm in Bulgaria.
Because Lana, and also because Total Divas.
Here is that video, in case you missed it.
Once again, you're welcome.
Lana kept up the craziness, also chopping wood (kind of) while wearing the same bikini and boots.
Per-fesh-unal farmer, indeed.
But here's the deal with doing farmwork while wearing super revealing clothing. You might have a wardrobe malfunction, and if you're also doing a photo shoot, and that wardrobe malfunction is captured in a picture, and then you post that picture to social media because you're just not paying attention, guess what? Someone else is paying attention. I guarantee it.
I'm reminded of the famous scene in the best Christmas movie of all time.
Unfortunately, there is always someone out there who is "really looking."
And when they brought the nip slip to Lana's attention, she deleted the Tweet with the offending image.
But the internet is forever, and someone at the vaunted New York Post caught wind of it, and they did a "story" on it.
You can read it here. Funniest part of the article is where they call her a "SmackDown Live ace." I don't know what that even means.
Now, because I know you all want to see the photo in question, because you're all dirty, dirty little perverts with filthy Ted Cruz minds, here you go.
Oh, my bad, I guess I should have told you that they put a tiny little box over the nipple.
Besides, the hottest thing in that photo isn't even Lana's nip slip.
It's Rusev's Jordan Brand Flip Flops.