Triple H has been a huge influence on Lana's character and storyline, she says, even going so far as to produce a segment in which she fake-seduced a womanizing Jersey-Shore wannabe with a terrible haircut before her giant Bulgarian husband tried to murder him with a lamp.
But we'll get to that.
The Ravishing Russian was a guest on The Tomorrow Show with Keven Undergaro, and discussed her WWE character, her dream of being the Women's Champion, Vince McMahon and more.
"I've learned so many things from Vince McMahon, I mean he's just like a knowledge of stuff."
She's right, you know. Vince McMahon is indeed a knowledge of stuff.
"But one thing he told me about my character... Lana, has to evolve, just like as humans, we have to keep on evolving and keep on changing. We should never stop changing, and we should never stop evolving, and I was like, 'woah, that's really deep, let me take that with me for life!'"
Lana says that Triple H and Dusty Rhodes were the ones who told her to become the Bridgitte Nielsen character from Rocky IV.
"Triple H actually was a big person and Dusty Rhodes telling me to watch Rocky IV and instantly I was like, 'You want me to be this? You want me to be that serious person?' Because I feel like I'm a light-hearted person, I love comedy, and even all the stuff I was doing at WWE when I first came to developmental was, everything was more like light-hearted stuff. So I'm like, 'Rocky IV?' But that's what we did when I saw it, we tried it, started doing that influence... I watched it a lot."
And though Dusty, sadly, is gone, Triple H continues to be a major influence and offers his assistance to this day.
Like with producing hotel snuff films.
Triple H helps with that, too.
"The hotel stuff was awesome. The thing that we did with the hotel, actually Triple H produced the whole thing. So, that was great. I mean, he took it to a whole other level. He made the whole pre-tape and backstage so much better."
You can watch the entire interview at the top of the page.