Lex Luger Files To Trademark 'Lex Luger,' 'The Total Package,' More

Lex Luger has filed new trademarks.

On June 25, Lex Luger (under his real name Larry Pfohl) filed to trademark "Lex Luger," "The Total Package," and "Total Package 2.0."

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Entertainment in the nature of wrestling contests; Entertainment services, namely, wrestling exhibits and performances by a professional wrestler and entertainer; Entertainment services, namely, live appearances by a professional wrestler and sports entertainer; Entertainment services, namely, personal appearances by a professional wrestler and sports entertainer; Entertainment services, namely, televised appearances by a professional wrestler and sports entertainer; Providing wrestling news and information via a global computer network; Providing online interviews featuring a professional wrestling and sports entertainment personality in the field of professional wrestling and sports entertainment for entertainment purposes

Hats; Shirts; Socks; Bandanas; Shirts and short-sleeved shirts; Sweatshirts; Hooded sweatshirts

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