Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage of the Stone Cold Podcast. On this episode, host Stone Cold Steve Austin will have WWE Champion Dean Ambrose as his guest. Join the conversation during the podcast and leave a comment below.
- Steve Austin opened up saying that he did not expect Dean Ambrose to like pickup trucks and country music. Ambrose said he does not have a preference when it comes to music genre.
- Ambrose talked about growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio. He said that he, his sister and his mom lived in an apartment while Dean's dad lived out of state. Because of the long hours of her mom's job, Dean had his "wandering days."
- Austin asked about Dean's childhood and whether or not it was a good one, Dean said "I was happy. I don't have any sob stories."
- On his education, Dean said that he did not care for school and dropped out of high school. Ambrose didn't want or cared to have good grades in school. He did say he was a high school wrestler and football player, but had trouble staying eligible because of his poor grades.
- Ambrose said he did not remember his first memory of being into wrestler. All he knew was that wrestling was a "fantasy world. You had the good guys and the bad guys fighting each other." He said that he missed Hulkamania when he was a kid but loved Bret Hart growing up because he wasn't the biggest guy but was so good on the technical. Dean said that when he was a kid, he knew that he could be a good pro wrestler, but didn't know where to begin. He also sad that he would compile a lot of wrestling VHS tapes from Blockbuster and loved ECW.
- Ambrose said that he loved Terry Funk because he didn't care "if there was a crowd watching him." He said that he did not have a particular mentor, but acknowledge his training Les Thatcher and Cody Hawk. He came to a wrestling show at a flea market and saw that Thatcher's school was in the Cincinnati area and he spent two years hanging around the school until he was 18 and formally got accepted.
- Austin said that he would not have guessed Ambrose would have prior amateur wrestling experience watching his in-ring work. Ambrose said that the more technical style did not suit him. "Amateur wrestling is not a part of my personality."
- Ambrose said that he went to Puerto Rico when he was 20-years-old and learned how to be "vicious." He spoke a lot on Bushwacker Luke's in-ring style and how he learned from him. Luke spent many years competing in Puerto Rico.
- He said that he only "cared about being the best he can be." He didn't really care whether or not he would get signed by WWE, but admitted that WWE was everyone's end goal. He said quitting crossed his mind many times, but failure helped him get to the next level internally.
- When Ambrose got the call from WWE, he was living on his friend's floor in Philadelphia. He did not think it was real and just a rib, but he's glad that he did not screw it up. About an hour after the call, he got another call. This time, it was from Joey Mercury, saying that he was happy to have Ambrose on board. It wasn't until the Mercury call that Ambrose knew the opportunity was real.
- Ambrose started talking about his time in Florida Championship Wrestling, WWE's developmental territory at the time, and said that his programs with William Regal and Seth Rollins were things Ambrose was proud of on a creative level. Ambrose said that the promo classes were weird and that he did not have a good attitude during those sessions. He didn't believe that scripted promos were a thing because in FCW, the wrestlers did whatever they want.
- Ambrose said that working with a creative team felt like it was like working on a whole different level. He was indifferent and said it was simpler when it was just the wrestlers calling the shots. Ambrose made an impromptu promo about working Austin's legs, which he has had multiple surgeries on, and making him suffer.
- On having a chip on his shoulder, Ambrose said that he wanted to "prove people wrong" about being a pro wrestling star. He said that he doesn't think of himself as a chip on his shoulder guy anymore because he now has confidence. Austin asked Ambrose if he lost his edge now that Ambrose is WWE Champ, but he doesn't think that he lost his edge.
- On the topic of The Shield, Ambrose said that it happened organically. When WWE creative suggested give the stable riot shields and nightsticks, Ambrose initially loved the idea, but said that if they actually came out like that, "My career would have been over" and was glad that it never saw the light of day.
- He said that the Seth Rollins' heel turn was one of the best ever because no one expected it. Dean said that he was being a jerk on television because he knew it would lead people on and think he was the one that he would turn heel. He called himself the "babyface no one wants."
- Ambrose said that the Shield's M.O. was to kick ass and hit that high note and walk off the stage. As for his character, Dean said that he doesn't know how to describe his character. He just "goes out in the ring and be me."
- He said that being a babyface or heel can inspire people to do things they didn't think that they could. He said that being a role model helped him put wrestling in perspective and "that it is about putting smiles on people's face."
- When Austin brought the discussion to Ambrose's match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 32, Ambrose said that it was "an invigorating feeling going out there against a man who can kill you with his bare hands in front of 100,000 people."
- He said that he thinks it is weird that he is a role model to children.
- On his relationship with Vince McMahon, Dean thinks that there is an opinion of Vince being intimidating. Dean said that he is Vince's favorite wrestler and called him a street fighter at heart.
- He said that he liked being the captain of SmackDown Live, but doesn't see himself as a leader like John Cena or one that leads his troops into battle. He thinks of himself more of a leader by example.
- Ambrose said that he is excited to build a body of work as the new WWE Champ. Austin challenged Ambrose to raise the bar and "be edgier and take more chances. Be more Dean Ambrosey, whatever that means." Ambrose is offended that Austin thinks he is resting on his laurels. The podcast ends here.