Welcome to The Live Viewing Party for
Lucha Underground
So that should be fun.
and as if that wasn't enough:
We start with flashbacks from the previous weeks including Killshot and Dante Fox, the Black Triad and the loss of the Lucha Underground championship from Mil Muertes to Sexy Star. We then transition to three wrestlers in a ring and a white rabbit. The Rabbit Tribe is here!
Lucha Trios Championship Match: The Rabbit Tribe vs. Fenix, Drago and Aerostar
Here we go! Lucha Trios Championship is up for grabs! Mala Suerte, Saltador and Paul London are the Rabbit Tribe and make their way to the ring! Next up are the reigning Trios Champions, Fenix, Drago an Aerostar! Let’s see what the Rabbit Tribe can do! We start with all members attacking leaving the Rabbit Tribe in the center of the ring, . Action is going on outside the ring with Saltador and Suerte. London delivers a massive boot and backflips off the apron onto the opposite team outside the ring. Suerte goes for a what appears to be a high spot off of the top turnbuckle, but tells London and Saltador to move Fenix way to the other side of the ring. Instead of a high spot, he jumps off the turnbuckle and then runs at Fenix and delivers a drop kick. We have no clue who legal man is! Then Suerte and Fenix take to the middle of the ring, Suerte goes down with a drop kick, Fenix goes for the tag but gets pulled away. Saltador and London take out Drago and Aerostar from their corner where they were waiting to be tagged in. London and Saltador starting reaching their hands out mockingly toward Fenix who does not realize that the wrong people are in his corner. He is now outnumbered and managed to get a kick to London. Saltador and Fenix are now legal and Drago and Aerostar are taking turns beating Saltador in the turnbuckle. Kobra Moon is onlooking to see what will happen. Fenix and Saltador are going back and forth in the ring. Fenix does a spring forward, then handspring back into Saltador and then manages to do a roll up followed by a bridge for the pin, and he gets it! Fenix, Drago and Aerostar retain their championship!
Winner: Fenix, Drago and Aerostar
After the tag team match is over, Kobra Moon takes the microphone and wants to address Drago. She tells him that sooner or later, he will bow in front of his queen..
Sexy Star and the Mack are excited that she won. Mack says he will be in her corner, but she tells him no, that she needs to show the world that she deserves to be the Lucha Underground Champion and that Johnny Mundo is going to need luck facing her tonight.
Match: Dante Fox vs. Killshot
Next up we have Dante Fox vs. Killshot! These two have a grudge that needs to be resolved in the ring. Killshot seems to be the crowd favorite as they chant his name when he comes out to the ring. The two talk trash to each other and then pushes start by Fox. Killshot blocks a punch and gets Fox down to the ground. Kick to the stomach by Fox. Killshot delivers huricarana and then a drop kick. Killshot puts Fox up on the turnbuckle and delivers a knife edge chop. Fox pushes Killshot off the turnbuckle and then gives a drop kick off the top rope sending him outside the ring. Then multiple suicide dives out of the ring by Fox onto Killshot. He is not letting up. Fox goes for another dive when Killshot delivers a kick to the face. Killshot and Fox are going toe to toe with each other. Running apron shooting star press delivered by Fox!!! Killshot is down and somehow mangages to get Fox on the apron and delivers a neck breaker. Killshot throws Fox back in the ring. Fox jumps backwards off the rope and diamond cutters Killshot. Killshot and Fox trade punches, hangtime pump kick to Killshot, then spin wheel kick from Killshot! Huge boot by Fox, then DDT from Killshot!Killshot going for bicep cutter! Fox reverses! The two are exhausted! Killshot to the top turnbuckle, Fox runs towards him but Killshot catches him. Killshot lifts Fox and drops him on side of apron. Killshot to top turnbuckle and double stomp delivered! Goes for the cover and Killshot kicks out at 2!! Fox catcher delivered by Fox after a series of kicks and a springboard! Fox goes for the cover and has him for the 3 count! Fox wins!
Winner: Dante Fox
We go to Dario Cueto’s office and Mundo walks in. Mundo blames him for Angelico showing up at Aztec Warfare. Mundo’s agent/lawyer has issued a restraining order against Angelico. Dario tells him that his restraining order won’t stop Angelico forever. We get a funny spot from both characters calling each other jerks under their breaths.
Then we see Dario walking around and when he gets back to his office Lotus is sitting at his desk. She wants Pentagon Dark along with the Black Lotus Triad. She says that the Triad has been the most feared in the Far East for centuries and want to show Pentagon how they earned that reputation. Cueto would love to see her in a match against Pentagon in a gauntlet match. Pentagon will have to face each of the Black Triad members in order to win.
Lucha Underground Championship: Sexy Star vs. Johnny Mundo
Next up, the Lucha Underground Championship match! Sexy Star vs. Johnny Mundo! Mundo turned in his Gift of the Gods Championship, so win or lose he no longer holds that title. Star and Mundo lock up and move to the floor. Mundo gets her in a surehold paradise lock. Sexy Star breaks it by grabbing the ropes. Johnny then gets another submission move and then a curb stomp. He covers her twice but she kicks out at two. Suplex by Mundo and another cover. She kicks out again. He delivers several kicks while she is on the ground. Modified label kick is in on Star and the ropes break the hold. Sexy gets in a knee and then she’s back on the ground and he delivers elbows. He has the clear advantage here. Mundo gives kicks to Star’s belly while she hangs from the top turnbuckle. Star somehow recovers and gets in a few punches and then a kick to the face. Bronco busters delivered off the top rope by Star! Mundo then has the upper hand again. She still has life and gets some dropkicks in. Star gets some elbows and a suplex in. No luck with covers. Mundo gives a thumb to the eye and she can’t see now. Sit down neck breaker by Mundo and goes for the cover. She kicks out again! Sexy goes for a roll up, no luck! Chops delivered and then backstabber by Star! She still can’t get Mundo to stay down. Leg sweep and cover by Johnny and he kicks out. Sexy off the turnbuckle onto Mundo and no luck again. Kick to the face by Jonny followed by kicks to the torso. Mundo tries to take the fight to the outside of the ring. Star does flip onto Jonny off apron and they are now in the crowd. Star delivers blows to the face. Mundo grabs a crowd member’s crutch and swings toward Star. He misses and Star picks it up. Star goes to help the masked lady that lost her crutch, the lady Star was trying to help has brass knuckles and punches out Sexy Star! She is out cold! Mundo rolls Star in the ring and places her in the corner. He goes to the top turnbuckle and delivers End of the World. Goes for the pin and Sexy could not kick out of this. Johnny Mundo is the new Lucha Underground Champion. The masked handicapped crowd member goes into the ring and takes of her mask. It’s Taya! The two joined by Worldwide Underground celebrate Mundo’s victory.
Winner: Johnny Mundo