Wrestling Epicenter interviewed Lucha Underground's super-hoss Brian ("They Call Him") Cage, who discussed his WWE developmental run, the expansion of Lucha Underground, the state of independent wrestling, and wearing a Donald Trump T shirt when wrestling in Mexico. You can see submitted highlights below.
What it's like to be a part of Lucha Underground:
"It has been awesome, man. It is the most fun and best place I've been blessed to work at. My whole life, I always wanted to work at WWE. I told everyone I was going to get signed by WWE by the time I was 24 which I accomplished. So, job well done there. But, the thrill I get working at Lucha Underground and the talent, the matches, and just the way they do it is just cooler. Now I finally feel how I thought I'd feel to be a professional wrestler."
On taking chair shots to the head:
"I'm OK with it. It is something that has always been around as long as it is not ruthlessly all the time. People kind of compare it to ECW and that nostalgic kind of feeling. On top of it, for those concerned about safety. We actually have to go through a full physical concussion thing (protocol), blood work, EKG... The whole nine yards. I've done this for both companies, WWE and Lucha and I'd say Lucha is more extreme. So, it is not like we're going out there and getting our brains scrambled. They take care of you, if something does happen, better than I have elsewhere."
His experience in WWE developmental:
"I was stoked. I didn't have a bad time there at all. I guess, for lack of a better term, I was wrongfully let go. But, I'm in a better place now. But, I enjoyed it. I got to live my life long goal of being signed with WWE. I wish it would have worked out. But, their loss is Lucha's gain. "
If he feels any lingering resentement about his WWE departure:
"Yes and no. No, I'm not losing any sleep over it or anything. If you ask if I'd ever go back, I'd not be opposed to it. But, I don't need to. Basically, I got released due to having a torn groin and having one blown spot in a match I wasn't cleared to have. After all the good matches I had with PJ Black, Tyson Kidd, and all those guys, this one two-minute match I had they saw fit to release me over which was bad for me and was BS, yada, yada, yada. I was going to get signed back but then I didn't. I was going to be in Tough Enough and then I didn't. Then Laurinaitis called me down to RAW when theyw ere in my town, said they wanted me for NXT after Mania, always after Mania. I stayed in touch with him too and then it started to fizzle out. So, I called and said "Hey, what is going on?" He said, "We're no longer interested." I was like, "What? What do you mean?" He goes, "Lets face it, you're average at best and we're just not interested." I was like, "Well, OK. I think we both know I'm better than average." I was like whatever."
Wearing a Donald Trump shirt at an event in Mexico:
"I did it at first because I thought it would be hilarious. Afterwards, I went to Konnan and asked if he thought I'd get shot. He laughed and said, "No, I think you'll be all right. That's tremendous. I like that." I wore it on a kind of Good Morning America, but obviously in Mexico, show. I never expected it to get that kind of reaction. I thought it would get some cheap heat and some laughs and pops from the boys. But, it got such a reaction I was like, "Ok, i guess that's what I do now."
Working women and if he pulls his punches:
"I think it is cool. It adds a little edge to it and gives the equality amongst the genders. I think also, Lucha Underground is more of a TV show so you can suspend belief a little more as opposed to a live sporting event. It is a weekly episodic TV show. It is like, you're not going to watch the Walking Dead and be like, "Zombies aren't real." We've got the Dragon guy, a guy from outer space. I think it helps believability also. You're watching and being entertained by a TV show. As for if it is difficult, no. The girls there are all very talented. I'm glad we aren't going easy on them. The match I had with Taya which I think helped get her super over... How am i going to go out there and crush Puma and then barely touch Taya? That would look foney bologna. It would be like, "Wait a minute, why doesn't he just kill her?" That goes for Lucha Underground and anywhere. I'm not going to go out there and be reckless but I'm not going to go out there and work any differently with a girl than I would with a guy."
If Lucha Underground is hitting the road:
"I think that is what we were shooting for from the get go. It was certainly talked about. I think it is a real possibility to have a house show tour in the years to come between seasons."
If the Broken Matt Hardy character was inspired by Lucha Underground:
"His character? No, not his character. How it was shot, I can see that comparison. Matt has always invented himself so many times. Now he's one of the most over guys and everybody wants him. Good for him, man!"
The current state of Indy Wrestling:
"I think independent wrestling is better now than it was when I started wrestling," Cage says. He goes on to say that where WWE and TNA have been less exciting, the indy scene has come up a little to meet them with a more exciting pool of talent."