Mariposa, AKA Cheerleader Melissa and Raisha Saeed was interviewed by WPW weekly. You can see highlights from the interview below, and the full podcast at this link.
Melissa Gives Us Spoilers For Season 4 of Lucha Underground:
It’s just crazy, ridiculous...It’s definitely as crazy as it looks [in the trailer]. I don’t have any specifics on when we will be filming does appear that Mariposa will be coming back…
Melissa Talks About What Separates Lucha Underground From Other Promotions:
First of all, Lucha Underground is not a “wrestling company.” It’s a TV show and it’s treated like a television show. For example, WWE, there’s no Seasons when it comes to WWE. And with Lucha Underground, it’s a television show -- we film seasons, and then everybody’s off and back to working other jobs and taking other gigs. So, first of all, it’s a television show -- it’s treated like a TV show in the aspect of not just the unique storylines but, I mean, we have characters! We have dragons and witches and people are “immortal” and hell, I mean on Season 2 when I debuted I “killed” five people! So, it’s an exaggerated TV show with Lucha Libre being almost kind of like the supporting character of the show, if you will. And that’s how it’s really separated out.
And another thing that makes it stand out if you go to a live event, which I absolutely love, is the experience doesn’t start once the show starts. The experience starts from outside...when you’re coming to a taping, it’s in an older building, it’s kind of dirty (laughs) -- it’s got a real underground feel as you’re walking in, and when you’re in The Temple, just down to the little details and the lighting, really really brings in that different experience than what you would have at a normal wrestling show.
Melissa Talks About Her Favorite Character:
I would say Raisha Saeed was my favorite and not favorite. Not Favorite because, the mask HOT and it was impossible to breathe in that thing. But, my Favorite because there were a lot of times where I was on TV and all I had to do was manage. And I’ll be honest I’d be up there and I was like ‘Yeah, I’m standing here and this is payday, I don’t have to do anything!”