Mark Henry and B. Brian Blair have teamed up to try and lend a helping hand to WWE legend Kamala.
Kamala had his left leg amputated in November 2011 due to diabetes. His right leg was amputated in April 2012. Due to the cost of health care, Kamala has fallen behind on his taxes and is on the verge of losing his home. From the GoFundMe page:
Dear Friends,
Many of you were entertained in the world of professional wrestling by”Kamala” the Ugandan Giant, aka James Harris. James is in desperate need right now to spare his home. If his taxes are not paid in full by April 15th, the county will take his home, as verified by the Tate County, MS Tax collector. James “Kamala” Harris is a double amputee and must go to dialyses 3 times per week, for his diabetes. Even though James made decent money in the wrestling industry, there is proof that he often did not receive the same payoffs as many of his opponents. Why? Was it because he was a “Yes” man to the promoters? Maybe his race in some instances? Could it be his unbelievable kindness to everyone? I don’t know the answers but I do know that James, his wife and family need us all right now! I humbly implore you to donate whatever moves your heart, to save the Harris residence…it’s basically all that they have, other than a Ford Excursion with almost 400,000 miles on it and a lot of love in their hearts. My deepest gratitude, the Harris family’s deepest gratitude and may you be blessed for your kindness!
Sincerely, B Brian Blair
B Brian Blair @killerbee1B and Mark Henry @THEMARKHENRY are raising money for "Kamala'. Click to Donate: via @gofundme
— B Brian Blair ---- (@Killerbee1B) April 3, 2019
The current goal stands at $12,750. Fans can donate at the link above or by clicking here.