Mark Henry is known for moving things with his arms. But it was The Undertaker's words that moved Mark Henry.
During his out-of-character interview with Pastor Ed Young, The Undertaker was asked about the strongest wrestlers he's come across. After naming Brock Lesnar and Kane, Undertaker brought up The World's Strongest Man. While discussing Henry, Taker told the story of Henry moving a car while overseas.
"Mark Henry is at a whole other level. When we travel overseas, we travel on busses. Good guys on one bus, bad guys on the other. We were checking out of the hotel and we have a four-hour drive to the next city. In front of the first bus was a car. The driver didn't have enough room to pull out," said Undertaker. "We're sitting there and no one can find who owns this car. Mark gets wind of it and goes, 'I'll handle it.' Mark gets off the bus, grabs a towel, and goes to the backend of the car. He puts the towel underneath the fender well, reaches under it, picks up and takes a couple of steps and puts it down. He looks at his hands, fixes the towel, lift up again and takes a couple more steps. He does this until we had enough angle to get the bus out."
The story is good, but Pastor Young's reactions make it an all-timer. Henry's feats of strength are well chronicled throughout his career. He's a three-time U.S. National Weightlifting Champion and has pulled buses and bent frying pans of WWE television.
Appearing on Busted Open Radio, Henry was asked about the feat of strength in question and if he remembered it.
"I do remember it," said Henry. "I was one of those people griping and complaining, like, 'what are we waiting on?' 'We're waiting on tow truck. They said it would take an hour or so to get here.' I'm like, 'What? No.' I jumped off and...he told the story. I've been very blessed and I feel more blessed that somebody like him would think of me."
At the end of the clip, you can hear the emotion in Henry's voice as he talks about the Undertaker.
Listen to the full clip below and watch Henry's most impressive feats of strength on WWE television in the video above.