- We get a nice Smackdown retrospective to kick off the show.
- R-Truth is in the ring with a fuscia-haired Carmella, who reminds him their show got canceled.
- The crowd wants one more. R-Truth says their first guest doesn't need an introduction, so they'll do another dance break instead.
- Stephanie comes out and dances. R-Truth should have said "So Dixie, tell me.."
- Shane McMahon is here. The first time he's been on the show on six months or so. He panders and argues a little bit with Stephanie. There's a big Truth TV chant when Stephanie trashes it.
- Mr. McMahon comes out and gets a huge pop, and the crowd sings to his music.
- Stephanie says Vince has a hearing aid so the crowd doesn't need to what them.
- They have a dance break.
- I mean, sure. Why not?
The Usos defeated Daniel Bryan & AJ Styles
- Didn't realize I needed Bryan & Styles vs. Usos. Sweet matchup and I'm glad to see the Usos back.
- The Usos were last on Smackdown Live six weeks ago.
- Bryan applies the Yes Lock while Styles has the Calf Crusher, but the Usos get to the ropes.
- It's a shame we have so much of this taken from a commercial break.
- We come back to see Bryan running wild and throwing Yes Kicks, but Jimmy Uso breaks up the pin.
- Daniel Bryan accidentally hits AJ Styles, and then both get superkicked and Bryan gets pinned.
- I thought the Usos winning was the right move. Can accomplish a lot more with that than the other way around.
Backstage Crappenings
- Paige, Vickie Guerrero, Teddy Long and Johnny Ace are all in the backstage hanging out.
- Curt Hawkins is shown with Edge backstage.
- These classic Smackdown photos are a great touch
- Evolution is out together, and Batista is amped up.
- Triple H cuts a generic promo, and Ric Flair gets a big pop.
- Orton says Batista has spent more time in a makeup chair than in the ring, which gets a good reaction and a good pop from Flair.
- Batista says he's nervous. He puts over SD 1000, Washington DC and his love for the crowd -- even the ones who called him Bluetista.
- Batista puts everyone in the ring over, and says Triple H has done everything in wrestling -- except beat him.
- Triple H and Batista hug, but it's awkward as things end. This was fun.
World Cup Qualifier
Miz defeated Rusev (w/ Lana)
- Rusev misses by a mile on a spinning heel kick.
- Aiden English distracts and Miz rolls up Rusev for the win.
- Lana is livid. She kicks English RIGHT IN THE PENIS
The Cutting Edge
- Short-haired Edge from Asheville is something I could have never gotten used to.
- A little known fact: Edge actually teamed with Christian (as well as Mysterio, HHH, and Big Show) in his last match, two days after WrestleMania in 2011. They beat Alberto Del Rio & The Corre in a dark match.
- Edge brings out Becky Lynch and says he sees a lot of himself in her. Becky thanks him for having her on the show and says he was a role model of hers.
- The crowd chants "you deserve it." Edge said that Becky isn't making the right decision throwing away all her friends for titles.
- Becky should be like "dafuq u talkin bout? I'll have a podcast with Charlotte in 20 years like you and Christian do."
- Becky says she doens't like herself, she loves herself. She kicks Edge out of the ring and tells him to make sure he doesn't hurt his neck getting through the ropes.
- Charlotte comes out and White Knights for Edge and attacks Becky Lynch.
- Hey while we're at it, give me Beth Phoenix defending her husband's honor against Becky Lynch, too. I want that.
WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championships
The Bar defeated New Day (c) (w/ Kofi Kingston)
- Xavier and Big E are your duo, and you have Jerry Lawler and Booker T at the Booty-Os announce desk.
- The Bar crack Xavier with a great double clothesline before a commercial break.
- We come back to Big E getting a hot tag that involves Cesaro taking a uranage on the back of his head. The ref checks on him, but he's okay.
- Sheamus misses Big E on a Brogue Kick and falls victim to the YOLO DIVE. A Woods Shining Wizard gets two.
- The Big Ending on Cesaro, Neutralizer on Big E, but Woods breaks it up. These boys are beating the piss out of each other.
- The Bar hit a powerbomb/super European uppercut, but Kofi yanks Sheamus' feet off the ropes. The Bar catches Xavier flying over the top rope and throw him into the barricade.
- The Bar clear off the Booty-Os table and Big Show's music hits. It wouldn't be Smackdown without a Big Show heel turn. He chokeslams Kofi through the table.
- Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick for the win. Big Show celebrates with The Bar.
World Cup Qualifier
Rey Mysterio defeated Shinsuke Nakamura
- Rey Mysterio looks so different in a WWE ring. It'll take me a while to get used to, and he's not a bloated version trying to be big.
- Mysterio and Nakamura aren't on the same page on a headscissors attempt. Nakamura plants some nasty knees on Rey, but gets kicked in the ass. Nakamura dodges a 619, but Rey hits a baseball slide splash.
- This match is really a showcase for Mysterio. He gets a super Frankensteiner, and ends up winning with a 619.
- This was a decent re-introduction of Mysterio. He can still very much go.
- The Undertaker's music hits at the end of the match, they are short on time.
- Taker has three words for DX at Crown Jewel.
- Rest in peace.
- That's it.
10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor
Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a "star rating," which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive "TV match" lands at a 5.The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.