Matt Hardy: I Greatly Enjoyed Being At AEW, I Had Gripes With The Hardys Not Being Capitalized On More

Matt Hardy wishes AEW the best.

Matt Hardy left AEW after his contract expired, and he returned to TNA in April. Hardy has been open about his experience in AEW while speaking in interviews since his departure. Some of his comments have gained traction online when they were taken out of context. Some fans were critical of his comment that AEW focused more on five-star matches than they did on making moments while speaking on Busted Open Radio.

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Speaking on The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy, Matt Hardy discussed the feedback to his comments and elaborated on his thoughts about AEW.

"I greatly enjoyed being at AEW. I think Tony Khan’s a great guy. I think he takes incredible care of all his performers at AEW, and never fault him for that. I just think some of the creative decisions that were made, once he came back and he spent three or four months kind of proving himself and trying to earn everyone’s respect and trust back and whatnot, I just feel like, following that, we could have been capitalized more on. That’s really the only issue that I had any gripes with. We were well compensated while we were working there. I have zero complaints about that. I loved my time at AEW overall, I loved the roster there, a bunch of great people. I was just frustrated with these things. The fact that people maybe didn’t listen to it, they just read headlines and things were taken out of context, if you want to go back and listen to this episode again or watch it right here on YouTube, where you can actually see us, you will see that I have lots and lots of love for AEW. I want AEW to thrive, I want AEW to be successful. I am just talking about my personal experiences and what I felt could have been done differently to maximize and optimize Matt and Jeff Hardy, and that is it," Matt Hardy said.

Matt Hardy continued by noting that he had always been transparent about how Jeff Hardy's 2022 arrest led to their push being stopped. He stated that he acknowledged everything in the discussion, and he was talking about his personal gripes.

"There’s a reason, when we first started getting pushed, that it stopped and it didn’t happen, and that was because my brother. I’m very open and transparent about that. I acknowledged that immediately, whenever we talked about it in the episode. I acknowledge everything throughout this. I just legitimately talked about my gripes, when we were being told we were being reset, we were being restarted, we were just gonna focus on The Hardys, no more Hardy Party, Isiah [Kassidy] wasn’t gonna be with us anymore, and it just never materialized. It never happened. and those were where my gripes come from," Matt Hardy said.

Click here to see what Matt Hardy had to say about Jeff Hardy's return to TNA.

Matt Hardy is set to compete on the July 4 episode of TNA iMPACT! More information is available here.

Fightful Select recently reported more information about The Hardys' contract status.

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