Matt Hardy wants to reunite with Michael Hayes for an eventual Hall of Fame induction.
Speaking to Sam Roberts at Ringside Collectibles’ Ringside Fest, Hardy was asked who he would want to induct the Hardy Boyz into the WWE Hall of Fame. Matt quickly had a name on his mind.
"The person I would want to induct myself and my brother would be the person who took us under his wing and taught us more about the wrestling business than anybody else and that'd be Michael P.S. Hayes. I'm sure his intro would be long, but it would be super good because he's entertaining as hell."
Hayes was paired with Matt and Jeff in 1999, signifying the first big break for the extreme duo. Hayes helped guide them to their first WWE Tag Team Title reign in July 1999. Although the on-screen partnership did not last long -- Hayes was fired by the duo less than two months after they were put together -- Hardy still had fond memories of Hayes and how helpful he was early in their career.
Hayes was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2016.
You can view the full interview with Hardy, where he also discusses his action figure collection and more, in the video below.