Mercedes Mone explains why she's upgraded from a "Boss" to a CEO.
Mercedes Mone debuted in All Elite Wrestling at AEW Dynamite: Big Business on March 13, 2024. Her theme music made it very clear and the fans in the TD Garden in Boston understood, Mone now wants to be addressed as "The CEO."
During her time in WWE as Sasha Banks, Mone was dubbed "The Boss." In a new AEW digital exclusive interview with Renee Paquette, Mone explained why she believes that she is so much more than a boss now.
Discussing her decision to walk out of WWE, Mercedes says that it took time for her to heal emotionally as she needed to find the right team but ultimately, she's proud she took control of her life.
"I mean, first is just finding a team. Finding people that I can go to for help because I felt so lost, so broken, so hurt and so confused. [She didn't know] where I fit in this world and especially in the world of wrestling that gave me so much hope, gave me so [many] dreams, gave me so much opportunity. I felt very lost and confused and unsure, and it hurt me because of how much work I put into being in wrestling and all my dreams into it just felt like it got taken away from me and just kinda came crumbling down," she said. "So it took a little bit of healing, a lot of healing, but a team to really help build me back up and to have my back. To let me know, I am more than a boss, I am a CEO because I took control of my own life. I walked out with my head held up high, and I found so many new passions that I never got to discover before. Wrestling has always been my one and only and my everything. To be a 30-year-old back then, now I'm 32, to grow and understand that there's so much more than this.
"Wrestling is so much more. It's so beautiful. It's more than just in the ring," she continued. "To be able to discover a new love, new foundation, just new everything. It just felt so freeing to grow."
Fans can also read about Mercedes' desires to take the revolution global now that she is with AEW. Learn more here.
Our premium Fightful Select service has many more details on Mercedes' deal with AEW. Subscribe today for early access to breaking news, interviews, podcasts, and more.
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