When Miro first met Billy Mitchell for their segment on AEW Dynamite, he wasn't aware of the gamer's notoriety.
On the September 30 episode of Dynamite, Mitchell appeared in a segment with Miro as Miro was prepping for Kip Sabian's wedding. Miro was playing with Kip Sabian until Sabian left and Miro was then joined by Mitchell, ending with the two of them playing a game.
Miro, a huge gaming fan himself who is also a streamer on Twitch, spoke about the segment on his channel and how he was completely oblivious to Mitchell's fame in the gaming world. Miro was told of the "The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" documentary that Mitchell was heavily featured in and Miro still didn't believe it was an actual documentary, thinking that Mitchell was trying to be a Michael Scott-type of character.
It was after they had finished filming the segment that he started to realize how much of a big deal Mitchell was from his friends and even Chris Jericho being amazed that Miro is working with him.
"The director of the video sends me this and that Billy Mitchell is going to be appearing on our vignettes, to which I took no consideration because I had no idea who Billy Mitchell was. No idea. He gave me a quick snippet of the documentary to watch it. I opened to watch it and I thought he was trying to rip off a character from The Office. I thought he's trying to rip off Michael Scott and trying to be like him, like a comedian. I thought, 'Oh cool, we got a comedian backstage. That's fantastic.' Took nothing from it. [I was] told that he was the Pac-Man world record [holder] and Donkey Kong. I took nothing from it, like, 'Oh my gosh! Super cool.' He got all the world records. That's super cool. Then, [Chris] Jericho sees the pre-tape and he texts me. He's like, 'Oh my gosh! You guys have Billy Mitchell. Why didn't you tell me?' I didn't know anyone would care. I didn't know that Billy Mitchell was a guy like the biggest thing since hot water. I should have taken this as a sign. When we were at the axe throwing place, a random lady came up to us and asked him for an autograph and a picture. Again, I took nothing in consideration... I was like, 'Wow, it's that big of a deal?'" Miro said.
Still, even with all that praise about his gaming abilities, Miro thought he was being worked, not fully believing that "The King Of Kong" was an actual documentary. Miro is unsure why so many dislike Mitchell, saying how great he is at so many old-school video games.
"I still thought that I was being worked the whole time. I still didn't think it was an actual documentary. I thought it was a docudrama, like a work, a show, meant to be real but it wasn't. I still couldn't believe this was a real thing... I still don't understand why everyone hates him. But, first of all. Let's all agree to one thing: That Donkey Kong was hard as shit. Let's agree to that, first and foremost. Second of all, I mean Pac-Man perfect score, when we were filming the vignettes, he was playing Pac-Man, because we had a giant Pac-Man machine. He showed us and was telling us it was all about patterns and he knows exactly where to stay and he knows where the bad guys are going. Like he knows all that... He just knows where to stay, where to go, the ins and outs," Miro said.
Mitchell has been accused by many in the gaming community of cheating, especially with his Donkey Kong scores, and multiple records set by him were revoked by the Guinness Book Of Records. Guinness would later reinstate his scores, which consisted of various scores for both Donkey Kong and Pac-Man.
As far as Mitchell the person is concerned, Miro thinks Mitchell is a cool guy, believing that there was no way he could cheat, given his skills in gaming.
"He was a really nice guy, just a cool guy and was really impressed with my English and he was just a regular dude," Miro said. "I didn't find anything bad about him. He's just an odd little fellow, but we all are odd people. We're all different people. He's just himself. But I don't see why he's a cheater. I don't understand why did he cheat. I still don't know what he did. I don't know if they were edited videos. Who's to say they were edited? I don't think so. That man beat so many games, how could anyone doubt him?"
You can check out Miro's comments in the video at the top of the page.