MJF keeps his options open and discusses why he is a fan of Roman Reigns.
MJF is one of the fast-rising young superstars of AEW. Calling himself one of the four pillars, along with Jungle Boy, Darby Allin, and Sammy Guevara, Maxwell believed that he could be a leader in the company for years to come. That is, of course, if Tony Khan plays his cards right.
Appearing on Rasslin’ with Brandon Walker, MJF broke down his options when his contract expires in 2024 saying that he is open to all promotions.
"Eventually, these guys who are great are gonna have to retire. You're not gonna be happy when they do. But I'm gonna be here for a long time. So Tony Khan understands where his bread is buttered. Tony Khan understands he has the best promo, or interviewee, or guy on the stick, however you want to say it in all professional wrestling. I'm also one of the best in-ring wrestlers in the world today, which I'd love to get into that too later. My issue and the reason why I don't get into ratings talk and I'll let everybody else do it is someday, if Tony Khan; again, a good friend of mine, doesn't fork up the right amount of money when my contract goes up, in the beginning of 2024, I might go to the other place. I might go over there, I might go to IMPACT, I might go to Ring of Honor. I can go wherever I want because I'm the hottest commodity in professional wrestling."
Maxwell Jacob Friedman, knowing that he may one day go to WWE, praises Roman Reigns' ability. Recently, Roman Reigns has made it known that he doesn't view AEW as competition. Despite the praise, Max would be quick to note that Roman Reigns lost in the key demographic during a head-to-head Friday night of competition against a Ruby Soho/Allie match.
"Roman Reigns lost in the key demographic to Ruby Soho, and Ruby Soho sucks so I don't know what to tell you. Don't get me wrong, that's not me shitting on Roman Reigns. I think Roman Reigns is a hell of a performer, he really is. I think he's absolutely incredible. Am I better than him on the mic and in the ring? Sure, but I'm not gonna go out of my way and talk shit about him because I respect him. I respect what he does. I respect the hard work that goes into putting out that product that is WWE. Again, someday I might work there. I'm also sure if he sees this, he'll pretend he doesn't know who I am because that's what they do over there. When in reality I know that they're all watching our stuff. Again, I cannot stress this enough, a huge fan of Roman Reigns. I think he's great. Would love to work with him one day."
You can check out a full viewership breakdown of Friday Night SmackDown vs. AEW Rampage from October 15, 2021 here.
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