Nick Khan is signed with WWE through 2026.
A February SEC filing revealed that Nick Khan's employee agreement runs through the end of 2026. It was previously listed as expiring in August 2025.
Khan has an annual salary from the company and receives installments of TKO as part of his "equity award."
The parties agree that the term of this Agreement and Khan’s employment hereunder is for a period commencing on the Effective Date and ending on December 31, 2026 (such period, the “Term”), subject to WWE and Khan’s right to terminate his employment and the Term prior to the end thereof as set forth in Section 4 below and subject to the provisions in Section 4 below concerning post-termination payments to Khan and/or reimbursements due from WWE. In the event Khan continues to render services for WWE after the expiration of the Term, such employment shall continue on an at-will basis, so that either WWE or Khan may terminate his employment for any reason at any time; however, if Khan intends to terminate his employment, he shall provide WWE with at least 60 days advance written notice.
Khan was hired by WWE in August 2020.
Khan has registered to sell his TKO stock, but no stock has been sold and it is unknown if he will sell his stock.