The coalition between PAC and The Lucha Bros now has a name, The Death Triangle.
After dispatching of Chuck Taylor in a credible match, PAC would be confronted by Orange Cassidy, the man he defeated at AEW Revolution on February 29th. Much like on that day, PentagonJr. and Rey Phoenix would come out to join “The Bastard,” taking care of the Triad of Trent, Chuck, and Orange Cassidy.
Pretty sure The Lucha Bros just saved @BASTARDPAC's life from some freshly squeezed devastation right here!! #AEWDynamite
— All Elite Wrestling on TNT (@AEWonTNT) March 5, 2020
After the beat down, PAC would reveal the group's name and say that this is only happening because AEW did it to themselves.
#DeathTriangle have arrived ------ #AEWDynamite
— All Elite Wrestling on TNT (@AEWonTNT) March 5, 2020
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