Paul Heyman thinks Vince McMahon is insane, and he may be right.
In an interview with ESPN, Heyman talked about what kept him going in the professional wrestling business. He found the motivation to stay relevant after nearly thirty years in the industry.
"Sharks only move forward -- they can't go back, can't move sideways. I don't want to be that old boxer sitting downstairs in the basement watching that grainy footage saying, 'So you see, that's when I was relevant.' I want to be more relevant tomorrow than I am today," said Heyman.
Heyman still appears on WWE television semi-regularly. He says he needs a job that makes him energized. His drive and work ethic are intense but he says Vince McMahon greatly exceeds him.
"Yeah, but he's insane. At least I'm rather sane about it. Then again, I'm sane and I'm a thousandaire, and he's insane and he's a billionaire. I don't think Vince would be flattered by the comparison, but in my little synagogue of life, I could see where maybe we could kibitz a little about that," said Heyman.
Heyman is currently managing Brock Lesnar on the way to a rematch with Bill Goldberg at WWE Survivor Series. On Monday, he appeared in ring with Brock Lesnar to address Bill Goldberg. WWE Survivor Series takes place November 20th in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Heyman says he would never leave his WWE job because it is "cushy" but he also feels his longevity proves his value thus providing job securities.
The lengthy interview which focuses on Heyman's skill with a microphone can be found at