The original SIn Cara challenged Pentagon Jr to a big match.
On May 19th, Impact World Champion Pentagon Jr had a brutal match against Caristico who used to play Sin Cara on WWE television. The match took place at a Crash Lucha event and the two wrestlers ripped each others' masks.
After the match, Caristico challenged Pentagon to a Lucha de Apuestas match where they each put their masks on the line. Pentagon attacked Caristico and took his mask in the ring. Later in the backstage area, both wrestlers talked about the match. Pentagon said he would do the match in any promotion he could.
Caristico is 12-0 in Lucha de Apuestas including his match as Sin Cara Azul against Sin Cara Negro who currently plays Sin Cara in WWE. Pentagon lost a championship in a Lucha de Apuestas to Sami Callihan in 2016.
Footage from the match between Pentagon and Caristico can been seen on the +LuchaTV YouTube and Caristico's challenge can be seen in the video above.