The wrestling careers of Randy Orton and Christian have been disrupted at various times due to injury, but in a recent appearance on Edge and Christian's podcast, the two recalled one real-life mishap between them that Orton helped cover for after the fact.
It was back in 2005, and Orton had yet to begin the climb up the card that would see him become a 13-time world champion. Orton and Christian were embarking on a brief program that would play out over a few weeks on Raw.
"I came out and I jumped you after a match … it was just going to be a little TV program," Christian recalled on the latest episode of E&C's Podcast of Awesomeness. "I cuffed you so hard in the head and I guess it knocked your equilibrium all crazy because you were down in the ring. You weren't moving."
In actuality, Orton had suffered a ruptured eardrum. Christian was fearful because he knew Orton was in line for a major push and feared he had inflicted a serious injury.
"They finally got you up, they carried you back and you opened the curtain and you said, 'Relax everyone. I was just working. I was just selling it,' " Christian said. "Everyone's like, 'Oh, cool, good job Randy.' We got down the stairs, you put your arm around me and you whispered, 'I am so f---ed up.' "
Orton laughed at Christian's anecdote, and agreed because he said he didn't remember the exchange once he got to the back.
A couple of weeks later, Orton and Christian went one-on-one at a Raw in Cincinnati, in what Christian noted was the first matchup between the two that had been allocated significant time. During the match, Christian recalled, Orton joked about giving Christian a receipt.
"When you hit me, you clocked me right on the head. I had this goose egg like I never had before," Christian said. "This huge contusion, like another head grew out of the side of my head. I remember feeling it. It was the weirdest feeling, and I kept looking up at the screen like, my god, look at this thing on the side of my head. After you came up and said, I didn't mean to do it! I was only kidding about the receipt thing!"
Orton's interview included him expressing his desire to turn heel, because he is tired of being a babyface.
Click here to check out the entire episode.