Randy Orton "murders" his steak, according to his wife.
Randy Orton has been a lot of deplorable things. He punted Vince McMahon in the skull and blamed it on a mental illness he did not even have, he tried to burn The Undertaker alive while he was stuck inside a casket, he's also tried to burn Bray Wyatt alive. He did, however, succeed in burning down Sister Abigail’s shed.
Randy Orton insinuated on multiple occasions that Eddie Guerrero was in hell, and he even assaulted John Cena senior on multiple occasions.
Randy Orton has done all of that and is still one of the most beloved wrestlers on the WWE roster today. But some things are unforgivable.
Randy Orton eats his meat well done.
Randy Orton, according to his wife Kim on her podcast, The Wives of Wrestling, is not a fan of pink meat and likes his steak charred on the outside.
“He likes a good piece of steak but it has to be a medium-well,” Kim says. “[Randy likes his steak] charred on the outside and just barely, maybe a tiny bit of pink on the inside. Yeah, he murders his steak.”
Kim also remarks on the feedback she gets when requesting a medium-well steak while eating at restaurants.
“Well, they give you the piece of shit steak when you ask for it medium-well. They’re like, ‘Oh this uncultured chick, she doesn't want any—’“
Randy Orton on television is currently teaming with his bro, Matt Riddle, and as he heads down the Road to WrestleMania, he's hoping to be one-half of the WWE Tag Team Champions with a tag team championship match taking place next week on Monday Night Raw.
It was once assumed that Randy Orton would turn on Matt Riddle very quickly and he has not done that yet, proving that people can change. Hopefully, Randy Orton will one day come to his senses about how he eats his steak.
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