Backlash did not translate into ratings on Monday.
Only a month ago, WWE had excellent ratings with some episodes peaking with well over 4 million viewers. The last few weeks have been not performing as well in part to competition from the NBA Playoffs but also the natural decrease following WrestleMania. According to ShowBuzz Daily, Raw had an average of less than 3 million viewers for all three hours which is a rarity. Usually the third hour and sometimes second hour will dip below the 3 million viewer mark but this week the show started with 2.8 million viewers.
Hour 1: 2,788,000 viewers with 900 thousand in the 18-49 year old demographic.
Hour 2: 2,731,000 viewers with 910 thousand in the 18-49 year old demographic.
Hour 3: 2,548,000 viewers with 880 thousand in the 18-49 year old demographic.
All three hours did not perform as well as any hour from last week in rating or demographics. WWE almost always has one million viewers in the 18 to 49 year old demographic but this week none of the hours had that many in that category.
On YouTube, The Money in the Bank qualifiers had the highest number of views. Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, and Finn Balor had 1.2 million views, Braun Strowman defeating Kevin Owens had 1 million views, and Ember Moon winning her triple threat against Sasha Banks and Ruby Riott had over 600 thousand views.