Misconduct allegations have come against Glenn Jacobs.
According to Knox News, Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs asked county employees to work at his home while they were on the clock and pressured a department head to lie to state investigators. He allegedly cursed at the department head when he wouldn’t lie.
The allegations came out as part of a federal lawsuit the county settled by agreeing to pay $150,000 to former parks and recreation director Paul White.
Deputy law directors Houston Havasy and David Wigler denied any laws were broken in their response to the lawsuit that was settled last week. A county spokesperson told Knox News the work done at Jacobs' house, which involved removing a snake from the home, wasn't done on county time because the workers were on their lunch break.
The suit was filled with claims about Jacobs' conduct during a scandal over the personal use of county resources.
The following allegations were included:
- Jacobs encouraged White, the Parks and Recreation director, to lie to state investigators about Hair's illegal personal use of a county-owned golf cart.
- Jacobs, a former WWE wrestler with an imposing build, pounded a desk and cursed at White when he refused to lie to cover for Hair after it was revealed he and his wife were using a county-owned golf cart that was delivered to their home.
- Hair eventually returned the golf cart to the county, but Hair planned to tell investigators he had given it up months earlier, White said. Hair pressured White to lie and say he had the golf cart for only a few weeks. White said Hair threatened to fire him if he didn’t.
County spokesperson Abbey Harris denied the allegations in the suit, saying Jacobs never pressured White to lie. In a press release last week announcing the settlement, the county said White "admitted he never reported any illegal activity to law enforcement; Knox County’s internal or external auditors; the Knox County Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline; or the Comptroller’s Office as required by law. His alleged oral complaints of illegal activity are denied by every other witness and not supported by any documentation or physical record."
Kane last appeared on WWE television as part of WWE SummerSlam, which was held in Nashville, TN.