More cuts to the 205 Live roster.
Mike Johnson at PWInsider reports The Bollywood Boyz (Samir & Sunil Singh) were released by WWE.
The Bollywood Boyz signed with WWE in 2016 to compete in the Cruiserweight Classic. They would also compete in the 2016 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. In 2017, they linked up with Jinder Mahal, becoming his manager during his WWE Championship reign.
They remained with Mahal until 2019 when they were moved to 205 Live.
They won the WWE 24/7 Title a combined nine times with Sunil winning it four times and Samir holding the belt five times. They last wrestled on the May 21 episode of 205 Live, losing to August Grey & Ikemen Jiro.
4 years ago we got to perform @RogersArena in front of our parents.
— Bollywood Boyz (@BollywoodBoyz) June 25, 2021
It was special.
They’re our constant reminder to keep pushing for greatness.
All the bumps, torn ACL’s, dislocated shoulders, it’s all been worth if for the last 5 years. And how ironic, we finished our last match with a shoulder hanging out of socket
— Bollywood Boyz (@BollywoodBoyz) June 25, 2021
It’s fitting we got fired while showing up for wrestling training - we love what we do, with a passion
You can view a list of releases made by WWE on June 25 by clicking here.