Welcome to Fightful.com's live coverage & discussion for NWA Powerrr. We'll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!
- The show starts off with highlights from last weeks debut episode.
- Joe Galli & Jim Cornette welcome everybody to the program and they go over the card for today’s show.
- Dave Marquez interviews Aron Stevens, Stevens says he has had a lot of success outside of professional wrestling in the last two years. Stevens says that he heard the NWA and studio wrestling was back, Steven says he is back in professional wrestling. Stevens says that everybody should avoid eye contact with him because he is a serious thespian, Stevens says he is a star and he’ll let everybody know when he wants a co-star.
Ricky Starks vs. Trevor Murdoch
The match begins with Murdoch backing Starks into the corner before letting him go free, Starks takes Murdoch down with an arm drag. Murdoch recovers and he nails Starks with an arm drag before both competitors miss follow up moves, Starks and Murdoch exchange a few chops. Murdoch then drops a charging Starks with a boot to the face, Murdoch follows that up by nailing Starks with a side Russian leg sweep. Murdoch misses a leap off the second rope and Starks nails him with a basement drop kick for a near fall, Starks then hits Murdoch with a neck breaker for a near fall. Starks follows that up by nailing Murdoch with a missile drop kick for another near fall, Starks looks for a tornado DDT and Murdoch tosses him across the ring. Murdoch fights back and Starks rolls him up from out of nowhere for a three count.
Winner: Ricky Starks
After the match, Trevor Murdoch shakes Ricky Starks hand, Starks then says that he wants to take things to a whole new level in the NWA. Starks says that God didn't have a lot of beauty left to give after he was made, Starks promises to take the winners money whenever he competes.
- Joe Galli is in the events center, showing highlights of himself trying to interview Kamille before being interrupted by NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis. Galli says Aldis and Kamille will have a sit down interview with him later in the show.
- Joe Galli interviews Colt Cabana, who says that James Storm took his NWA National Championship when he wasn’t at a hundred percent. Cabana says he is healthy now and wants all the championships, Cabana says that Mr. Anderson is his tag team partner tonight. Anderson comes out and does his usual introduction, Anderson says its time for him and Cabana to team up.
Colt Cabana & Mr. Anderson vs. Sal Rinauro & Jordan Kingsley
The match begins with Cabana doing some work on the arm of Rinauro, Cabana drops Rinauro with an arm drag before tagging Anderson in. Anderson immediately attacks Rinauro with some strikes and a side slam, Kingsley tags in and Anderson takes him down with a hip toss. Anderson drops Kingsley in the corner while landing a few strikes, Kingsley fights back and he nails Anderson with an overhead kick. Anderson recovers to hit Kingsley with a back body drop and clothesline, Cabana tags in and he nails Kingsley with an elbow drop. Anderson tags in and he double teams Kingsley with Cabana, Rinauro tags in and Anderson takes out both opponents with Finlay Rolls. Cabana tags in and he nails Rinauro with a Flying Apple, Anderson tags in and hits Rinauro with a Mic Check for a three count.
Winners: Colt Cabana & Mr. Anderson
- Nick Aldis is shown leaving the NWA Headquarters and he says that he isn't happy about the questions asked by Joe Galli.
- Highlights are shown of the confrontation between Eddie Kingston/Homicide and The Wildcards from last week. A backstage interview is shown next, where Kingston says The Wildcards are nothing to him and Homicide.
Allysin Kay vs. Ashley Vox
The match begins with Vox wrenching away on the arm of Kay, Kay takes Vox down before taunting her. Vox gets mad and she nails Kay with a forearm strike followed by a drop kick, Kay misses a charge in the corner and she recovers to nail Vox with a slam. Kay corners Vox before missing another charge, Kay catches a leaping Vox to hit her with a fall away slam for a near fall. Kay corners Vox before attacking her with a series of strikes, Vox fights back and she attacks Kay with some chops. Kay recovers and she nails Vox with a release German suplex for a near fall, Vox recovers and rolls up Kay for a near fall. Vox then nails Kay with a shotgun drop kick, Vox follows up by taking Kay down with a flying head scissors. Vox then nails Kay with a cannonball for a near fall, Kay recovers and spikes Vox on the mat below for a three count.
Winner: Allysin Kay
After the match, Allysin Kay says this is the new era or the NWA and just the beginning, Kay invites Ashley Vox to the interview area to say her future is bright.
- Joe Galli interviews NWA National Champion James Storm, Storm says the NWA National Title is a prop that will get him towards the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Storm says he isn’t a little boy like most of the people backstage, but a grown ass man and then he talks about being the man. Eli Drake interrupts and he says being the NWA National Champion is a big deal, Drake says he wants a title shot if Storm wins the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
NWA World Tag Team Championships
The Wildcards (Thomas Latimer & Royce Isaacs) (c) vs. Eddie Kingston & Homicide
The match begins with Latimer and Kingston taking some swings at each other, Latimer backs Kingston into the corner before landing a few strikes. Kingston fights back and he nails Latimer with a clothesline, Isaacs tags in and Kingston nails him with a suplex. Homicide tags in and he double teams Isaacs and Latimer alongside Kingston, Homicide attacks Isaacs with a few strikes before landing a flying forearm smash for a near fall. Isaacs recovers and he drops Homicide with a clothesline, Latimer tags in and he attacks Homicide with strikes. Latimer then nails Homicide with a back suplex for a near fall, Latimer holds Homicide down while applying a chin lock. Isaacs tags in and he nails Homicide with more strikes, Homicide fights back and Isaacs nails him with a power slam for a near fall. Latimer tags in and he drops Homicide with a back elbow strike, Homicide fights back and Isaacs tags in to attack him from behind. Isaacs then hits Homicide with a back suplex for a near fall, Latimer tags in and he nails Homicide with more strikes before applying a chin lock.
Latimer releases the hold before landing a slam on Homicide, Isaacs tags in and he goes to the top rope. Homicide crotches Isaacs and he crashes to the mat below, Kingston tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. The Dawsons interfere and they attack Kingston and Homicide.
Match Result: No Contest
After the match, The Dawsons continue attacking Homicide and Eddie Kingston, while also attacking The Wildcards.
- Joe Galli interviews NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis and Kamille, Aldis talks about his title defense against Tim Storm from last week. Galli continues trying to ask Kamille questions and Aldis interrupts each time, Aldis talks about bringing in Kamille as an insurance policy. Kamille also asked another question by Galli and she chooses not to answer, Kamille and Aldis leave the commentary area.