AEW Dynamite 2/19/20 Results: A Steel Cage Match, A Tag Title Match & A Battle Royal

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Francesca Eastwood Says She Could See A Show About Mae Young Being Made In The Future

Winners Get An AEW World Tag Team Title Shot At AEW Revolution
Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. The Jurassic Express (Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy) vs. The Hybrid 2 (Jack Evans & Angelico) vs. The Butcher & The Blade vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent) vs. Strong Hearts (CIMA & T-Hawk) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) vs. Proud N’ Powerful (Santana & Ortiz)

The match begins with an all out brawl between everybody in the match, SCU leaps off the top rope and they take out a bunch of competitors. The competitors catch a leaping Evans and they dump him out of the ring for an elimination, The Private Party work together to hit T-Hawk with a Silly String before eliminating him. SCU control the center of the ring and they lay out a few competitors, a Dark Order member speaks on a microphone and the distraction causes both members of SCU to be eliminated. The Young Buck super kick the Dark Order members to knock them over the top rope for a double elimination, Trent and CIMA have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. CIMA nails Trent with an Iconoclasm before getting jumped by Santana and Ortiz, Boy and CIMA battle on the ring apron before Luchasaurus knocks CIMA to the arena floor for an elimination. Boy gets back in the ring and he lays out several competitors, The Bunny distracts The Jurassic Express so The Butcher & The Blade can attack them.

Nick almost gets eliminated before nailing Angelico with a slingshot face buster, Nick attacks everybody with a variety of kicks and knee strikes. The Butcher dumps a charging Nick out of the ring for an elimination, Butcher propels Boy into Private Party and Matt. Luchasaurus and Butcher have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Private Party go for Silly String and they both get eliminated by Proud N’ Powerful. Angelico tries eliminating Boy and Luchasaurus eliminates him, Sammy Guevara interferes to distract Boy before Proud N’ Powerful eliminate him. Luchasaurus is then eliminated next by a plethora of competitors, The Butcher & The Blade battle Battle Friends on the arena floor. Best Friends get back in the ring to battle Proud N’ Powerful, Butcher returns and he dumps Taylor out of the ring. Orange Cassidy interferes and he says Trent from being eliminated, Trent gets back in the ring to hit Blade with a tornado DDT. Trent and Matt work together to eliminate Blade, Trent and Matt work together against the remaining competitors.

Butcher eventually nails a hugging Matt and Trent with a double clothesline, Butcher attacks Trent while Ortiz attacks Matt. Butcher goes to eliminate Trent and Trent fights back, Butcher and Trent battle on the ring apron while Bunny kicks Cassidy in the balls. Butcher eliminates a distracted Trent a short time later, Matt eliminates Butcher after nailing him with a spear. Matt goes after both members of Proud N’ Powerful, Matt nails Proud N’ Powerful with a double northern lights suplex. Guevara interferes and that allows Proud N’ Powerful to hit Matt with a Street Sweeper, Proud N’ Powerful start trying to eliminate Matt. Matt eliminates Santana with a super kick, Guevara interferes and he eats a super kick from Matt. Matt then eliminates Santana to win the match.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

- Cody, Brandi Rhodes & Pharoah are shown arriving to the arena.

Kris Statlander vs. Shanna

The match begins with Statlander getting Shanna in a headlock, Shanna gets free and she goes to work on the arm of Statlander. Statlander fights back and she drops Shanna with a head scissors takedown, Statlander and Shanna take turns poking each other in the face. Statlander attacks Shanna with a variety of strikes before dropping her with an overhead kick, Shanna fights back and she drops Statlander with a knee lift to the midsection. Shanna then nails a kneeling Statlander with a head kick, Shanna follows up by hitting Statlander with a running kick to the face for a near fall. Statlander gets up and Shanna immediately drops her with a clothesline, Shanna keeps Statlander down while applying a dragon sleeper. Statlander gets free and she nails Shanna with a head kick, Statlander then hits Shanna with a running knee strike followed by a sit out power bomb for a near fall.

Statlander goes to the top rope and Shanna crotches her before hanging her upside down in the corner, Shanna then hits Statlander with a top rope double stomp for a near fall. Shanna looks for a double underhook face buster and Statlander escapes, Shanna then hits Statlander with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Shanna follows that up by nailing Statlander with a basement drop kick for another near fall, Statlander fights back and she hits Shanna with a stunner. Statlander then nails Shanna with the Big Bang Theory for a three count.

Winner: Kris Statlander

- Highlights are shown of Nyla Rose winning the AEW World Women's Championship.

- Tony Schiavone interviews AEW World Women’s Champion Nyla Rose, Rose gives the fans the business for jeering her. Rose says she should’ve been the first women’s champion and the highest paid woman in AEW, Rose says she breaks bitches when she gets hungry. Rose says Riho showed courage in their match and she represents unbridled power, Rose says nobody can beat her and nobody is a beast like her. Kris Statlander comes out and she points at the title, Big Swole comes out next and she goes face to face with Rose.

- Highlights are shown of Jeff Cobb’s AEW debut from last week.

- The Inner Circle take their seats in the crowd before the next match.

Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Cobb

The match begins with Cobb immediately nailing Moxley with an overhead belly to belly suplex, Cobb picks Moxley up to attack him with a few strikes. Cobb then knocks Moxley out of the ring after landing a drop kick, Moxley and Cobb brawl on the arena floor. Cobb grabs Moxley and he smashes him face first into the ring steps, Cobb gets Moxley back in the ring and Moxley quickly nails him with a dive. Moxley gets Cobb up to attack him with strikes before getting him back in the ring, Cobb recovers and he nails Moxley with a shoulder block. Cobb attacks the injured ribs of Moxley with a headbutt, Moxley fights back and Cobb sends him rib first into the corner. Cobb holds Moxley down while applying a headlock, Moxley fights back and Cobb drops him with a back elbow strike. Moxley goes to the ring apron and Cobb knocks him off it and into the barricade, Cobb leaves the ring and he rams Moxley back first into the ringside edge.

Cobb then throws Moxley into the barricade before sending him into the crowd, Cobb gets Moxley back into the ring a short time later before removing some protective bandages that were on his back. Cobb then chokes Moxley with those bandages as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Moxley fighting back against Cobb. Moxley then hits the leg of Cobb with a stunner, Moxley traps the leg of Cobb in the ropes before nailing it with a drop kick. Moxley also drags Cobb to the corner of the ring before smashing his leg into the ring post a few times, Moxley gets back in the ring and Cobb nails him with a spinning back suplex for a near fall. Moxley recovers and he gets Cobb in a sleeper hold for a short time, Moxley looks for a knee bar and Cobb immediately gets to the ropes. Cobb leaves the ring and Moxley leaps off the top rope, Cobb catches the leaping Moxley with land an overhead release suplex on the arena floor.

Cobb gets Moxley back in the ring before landing an Oklahoma Stampede for a near fall, Moxley fights back and he nails Cobb with a series of knee strikes. Cobb recovers and he nails Moxley with a release German suplex before eating a clothesline, Moxley and Cobb have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Moxley goes for a lariat and Cobb drops him with one of his own, Cobb escapes a Paradigm Shift to hit Moxley with a leaping European uppercut. Cobb climbs the ropes and he gets Moxley back into the ring with a superplex, Moxley immediately catches Cobb in a cradle for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match, The Inner Circle and Jeff Cobb attack Jon Moxley, Dustin Rhodes comes to the ring and he tries helping Moxley before getting overwhelmed. The lights go out and Darby Allin comes out to battle The Inner Circle and Cobb, Allin attacks everybody with his skateboard. Moxley returns and he nails Cobb with a Paradigm Shift, Moxley and Jericho have a brief brawl inside of the ring until Jericho decides to head backstage.

AEW World Tag Team Championships
Kenny Omega & Hangman Page (c) vs. The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix)

The match begins with Fenix stepping on Page’s foot before landing a few strikes, Fenix goes for a hurricarana and Page blocks it before landing a boot to the face. Omega tags in and he double teams Fenix with Page, Omega hits Fenix with a Kitaro Crusher for a near fall. Omega then hits Fenix with a back breaker for another near fall, Page tags back in and Fenix attacks him with a few chops. Page drops Fenix before landing a bridging fall away slam for a near fall, Omega tags in and he double teams Fenix with Page for another near fall. Fenix fights back and he rakes Omega’s eyes before landing a super kick, Pentagon Jr tags in and he kicks Omega in the leg. Pentagon Jr and Fenix corner both opponents before landing some strikes, Fenix then hits Page with an assisted hurricarana before double teaming Omega with Pentagon Jr. Fenix tags in and he holds Omega in a chin lock, Pentagon Jr tags in and he nails Omega in the tailbone with a top rope double stomp.

Pentagon Jr then nails a charging Omega with a super kick, Pentagon Jr knocks Omega out of the ring and he quickly gets him back in it. Pentagon Jr holds Omega down while wrenching away on his head as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Omega fighting back against both opponents. Pentagon Jr drops Omega by attacking his injured leg, Fenix nails a downed Omega with a rolling splash. Omega fights back again and he nails Pentagon Jr with a running tornado DDT, Page tags in and he starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Page hits Pentagon Jr with a fall away slam before taking Fenix out with a dive, Page then hits Pentagon Jr with a sliding lariat for a near fall. Omega tags back in and Pentagon Jr nails both opponents with super kicks, Omega and Page recover to double team Pentagon Jr. Fenix recovers and he nails Page with a cutter while Pentagon Jr nails Omega with a destroyer, Pentagon Jr and Omega take their battle to the ring apron.

Fenix interrupts the battle to hit Omega with a top rope penalty kick, Pentagon Jr looks for a package pile driver and Omega counters with a back body drop. Fenix and Page follow that up by taking out Pentagon Jr and Omega with suicide dives, Page tags in and he nails Pentagon Jr with a discus lariat for a near fall. Omega tags back in as Pentagon Jr nails Page with a sling blade, Fenix interferes and he nails Omega with a missile drop kick. Page recovers to hit Pentagon Jr with a pop up power bomb, Omega then hits Pentagon Jr with a knee strike to the back of the head. Page accidentally hits Omega with a Buckshot Lariat, Fenix then hits Omega with a super kick before taking out Page with a dive. Pentagon Jr nails Omega with a Penta Driver for a near fall, Fenix tags in and The Lucha Bros look for their finisher until Omega fights back. Omega nails Fenix in mid-air with a V Trigger, Omega then hits Fenix with a TIger Driver 98 for a near fall.

Omega looks for a One Winged Angel and Fenix fights back, Page tags in hit Fenix with a Buckshot Lariat for a three count.

Winners: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page, still the AEW World Tag Team Champions

After the match, The Young Bucks come to the ring and they check on Kenny Omega as Hangman Page looks on. Page leaves the ring and he drinks some beer.

- A video package airs showing the creation of the upcoming AEW action figures.

- A video package airs highlighting the feud between Cody and MJF.

Steel Cage Match
Cody w/Brandi Rhodes & Arn Anderson vs. Wardlow w/MJF

The match begins with Cody kicking Wardlow right in the face, Cody goes for a headlock and Wardlow quickly gets free. Cody then hits Wardlow with a right before eating a back elbow strike, Cody recovers and he nails Wardlow with a Disaster Kick. Cody nails Wardlow with a few strikes afterwards, Wardlow recovers and he drills a charging Cody with a clothesline. Wardlow grabs Cody and he tosses him into the cage wall, Wardlow mounts Cody before nailing him with a bunch of strikes. Wardlow follows that up by throwing Cody into the cage wall again, Wardlow then hits Cody with a power bomb into the cage wall. Wardlow traps Cody in the ropes while kicking him in the face, Wardlow grabs the cage wall and he smashes Cody with it. Wardlow grabs Cody and he nails him with multiple suplex throws, Cody fights back and he nails Wardlow with a front suplex. Cody follows up by nailing Wardlow with a Cody Cutter, Cody mounts Wardlow in the corner while landing a few strikes.

Wardlow fights back and he nails Cody with a kick to the balls, Wardlow then hits Cody with an F-10. Wardlow drags Cody into the cage wall while raking his face on it, Wardlow then pushes Cody through the cage door. MJF looks to interfere and Anderson nails him with the cage door, Cody escapes a power bomb attempt to attack Wardlow with clotheslines. Cody follows that up by sending a charging Wardlow into the cage wall, Cody then hits Wardlow with a power slam for a near fall. Cody goes to the top rope and Wardlow gets him off before throwing him into the cage wall, Wardlow goes to the top rope and he nails Cody with a swanton bomb for a near fall. MJF gives Wardlow his diamond ring and Cody nails Wardlow with a low blow, Cody grabs the ring as MJF climbs the cage wall. Brandi attacks MJF with a steel chair before Anderson throws him into the crowd, Cody punches Wardlow with the ring on before landing a Cross Rhodes for a near fall. Cody climbs to the top of the cage and he nails Wardlow with a moonsault for a three count.

Winner: Cody w/Brandi Rhodes & Arn Anderson

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