AEW Dark 10/20/20 Results: Dark Order, SCU, Brandi Rhodes, Wardlow, Lucha Bros & More In Action!

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Booker T Feels Like Oba Femi And Moose Could Have A Trilogy Like Muhammad Ali And Joe Frazier

Shawn Spears w/ Tully Blanchard vs. Christopher Daniels

The match begins with Spears going to work on the arm of Daniels, Daniels gets free and he gets Spears in a headlock. Spears gets free and he gets Daniels in a headlock of his own for a short time, Spears gets Daniels in another headlock and Daniels gets free before eating a shoulder tackle. Daniels recovers and he nails Spears with a clothesline, Daniels follows up by nailing Spears with an exploder suplex. Spears leaves the ring and Daniels takes him out with a dive, Daniels attacks Spears with a few strikes before sending him into the barricade. Spears fights back and he sends Daniels into the barricade, Spears follows up by nailing Daniels with a neck breaker on the arena floor. Spears gets Daniels in the ring while nailing him with a few strikes and stomps, Spears goes for a knee drop and Daniels gets out of the way. Daniels nails Spears with a few strikes before Spears drops him with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Spears then hits Daniels with a short DDT. Spears goes for the C4 and Daniels escapes to nail him with a flat liner, Daniels follows up by landing clotheslines and an STO on Spears. Spears goes for the C4 again and Daniels escapes before knocking him out of the ring, Spears drags Daniels out of the ring and Daniels gets him back in.

Daniels then hits Spears with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Daniels goes for Angel’s Wings and Spears counters with a C4. Daniels shocks Spears with a roll up before nailing him with a few strikes, Spears catches a leaping Daniels and he lands the C4 for a three count.

Winner: Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard

After the match, Shawn Spears attacks Christopher Daniels until Scorpio Sky makes the save.

Brandi Rhodes w/ Dustin Rhodes vs. KiLynn King

The match begins with King doing some damage to the arm of Rhodes and Rhodes does the same to her, King trips Rhodes up before going after her arm again. Rhodes gets free and King exchanges headlock takedowns with her, King trips up Rhodes and she gets a near fall on a pin attempt. Rhodes recovers and she drops King with a few arm drags, King recovers and works over the arm of Rhodes before landing a shoulder tackle. Rhodes fights back to hit King with a springboard arm drag and thrust kick for a near fall, John Silver comes out to taunt Rhodes and Rhodes still hits King with a sling blade for a near fall. Rhodes and King have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Rhodes nails King with a Shot Of Brandi for a three count.

Winner: Brandi Rhodes w/Dustin Rhodes

Ricky Starks vs. David Ali

The match begins with Ali nailing Starks with a few strikes, Starks recovers and he nails a charging Ali with a modified power bomb followed by some stomps. Ali gets up and Starks nails him with more strikes until he goes down again, Starks gets Ali to the ring apron and Ali gets to the top rope before landing a missile drop kick. Ali hits a cornered Starks with a running European uppercut, Ali goes back to the top rope and Starks knocks him down. Starks then nails Ali with a running boot to the face before landing Roshambo for a three count.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Scorpio Sky vs. Fuego Del Sol

The match begins with Sky backing Del Sol into the corner before working over his arm, Del Sol gets free and he does some work on the arm of Sky. Sky gets Del Sol in a headlock and Del Sol gets free before eating a shoulder tackle, Sky trips up Del Sol before getting him in a front headlock. Del Sol fights back he nails Sky with a drop kick for a near fall, Del Sol then hits a cornered Sky with an avalanche. Sky recovers and he nails Del Sol with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall, Sky follows up by nailing Del Sol with a back breaker for another near fall. Sky follows up by getting Del Sol in an abdominal stretch, Del Sol gets free and he knocks Sky out of the ring with a drop kick. Del Sol follows up by nailing Sky with a suicide dive, Del Sol gets Sky in the ring before landing a springboard cross body block for a near fall. Del Sol catches Sky in a roll up before landing a neck breaker for a near fall, Sky recovers to nail a charging Del Sol with a knee strike. Del Sol recovers and he cracks Sky with an enziguri, Del Sol goes to the top rope and Sky catches him when he leaps off to apply a sharpshooter and force a tap out.

Winner: Scorpio Sky

Luchasaurus vs. Aaron Solow

The match begins with Luchasaurus dropping Solow with a front kick, Solow goes after Luchasaurus by hitting him with a few strikes until Luchasaurus drops him. Luchasaurus corners Solow before landing a bunch of strikes, Luchasaurus follows up with a suplex throw on Solow. Solow fights back to hit Luchasaurus with a huracanrana and a drop kick, Luchasaurus leaves the ring and he blocks a suicide dive attempt from Solow. Solow recovers and he nails Luchasaurus with a tornado DDT on the arena floor, Solow gets Luchasaurus back in the ring before going to the top rope. Luchasaurus causes Solow to jump off before landing a knee strike, Solow recovers to trip up Luchasaurus and land a double stomp for a near fall. Solow goes to the top rope and Luchasaurus catches him as he leaps off, Solow gets free and he nails Luchasaurus with a thrust kick. Luchasaurus recovers to nail Solow with a clothesline and Tail Whip, Luchasaurus then hits Solow with a choke slam and standing moonsault for a three count.

Winner: Luchasaurus

The Butcher & The Blade w/ Eddie Kingston vs. Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison

The match begins with Blade backing Garrison into the corner while landing a few strikes, Garrison recovers and he nails Blade with a discus forearm strike. Blade tries fighting back as Pillman Jr tags into the match, Butcher tags in and he levels Pillman Jr with strikes followed by a cross body block. Blade tags in and he double teams Garrison with Butcher, Blade corners Pillman Jr while landing more strikes. Butcher interferes and he drops Pillman Jr with a clothesline, Pillman Jr fights back and Blade rakes his eyes before tagging Butcher in. Butcher drops Pillman Jr before landing knee drops to the back, Butcher follows up by nailing Pillman Jr with a snap suplex. Blade tags in and Pillman Jr nails him with a jaw breaker followed by a drop kick, Butcher tags in and he attacks Pillman Jr with knee drops. Butcher follows up by dropping Pillman Jr with a hard Irish whip into the corner, Pillman Jr recovers and he nails Butcher with a top rope cross body block. Garrison and Blade are tagged in by their respective partners, Garrison quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Garrison gets a near fall on Blade before a brawl breaks out between both teams, Butcher and Blade hit Garrison with a power bomb neck breaker for a three count.

Winners: The Butcher & The Blade w/ Eddie Kingston

Penta El Zero M vs. QT Marshall w/ Dustin Rhodes

The match begins with El Zero M nailing Marshall with a spin kick to the midsection, Marshall fights back and El Zero M attacks him with leg kicks followed by a head kick. El Zero M misses a charge in the corner and Marshall drops him with a head scissors takedown, Marshall goes for a dive and El Zero M nails him with a kick to the face. Marshall falls to the arena floor and El Zero M gets him back in the ring after landing a head kick, El Zero M knocks Marshall back to the arena floor before landing some chops and leg kicks. El Zero M gets Marshall back in the ring before going to the top rope and missing a double stomp, Marshall then hits El Zero M with a diving European uppercut. Marshall gets El Zero M on the top rope and El Zero M escapes to trap him in the ropes, El Zero M then hits Marshall with a top rope double stomp for a near fall. El Zero M looks for a package pile driver and Marshall escapes to land a handspring enziguri for a near fall, El Zero M recovers to hit Marshall with a super kick before eating an enziguri. El Zero M recovers to hit Marshall with a sling blade for a near fall, Eddie Kingston comes to the ringside area as El Zero M attacks Marshall. El Zero M traps Marshall in the corner while landing some strikes, El Zero M goes for the package pile driver again and Marshall escapes before both go down.

Kingston has a microphone and he talks to Marshall to attempt to distract him, Kingston brings out Allie and she is in her old Bunny gear. El Zero M takes out Marshall with a dive to the arena floor, Marshall fights back and he rolls up El Zero M in the ring for a near fall. El Zero M nails Marshall with a super kick and a pump handle driver for a near fall, Marshall fights back to hit El Zero M with a pop up forearm strike and Michinoku Driver for a near fall. El Zero M avoids the cutter from Marshall before hitting him with a destroyer, El Zero M follows up with a package pile driver on Marshall for a three count.

Winner: Penta El Zero M

Jungle Boy vs. KTB

The match begins with Boy nailing KTB with a shotgun drop kick, KTB recovers and he gets Boy on the top rope before eating a huracanrana. KTB leaves the ring and he avoids a sliding drop kick, Boy goes to the top rope and KTB trips him up before landing an avalanche. KTB then hits Boy with a rolling corner spear and a senton for a near fall, Boy fights back and he rolls up KTB for a near fall. KTB gets up and Boy attacks him with a variety of strikes, KTB recovers to pick Boy up and land a fireman’s carry slam for a near fall. Boy fights back and KTB nails him with some knee strikes, KTB recovers to hit Boy with an atomic drop and splash for a near fall. Boy escapes a power bomb attempt to land a few strikes on KTB, Boy then drops KTB with a leaping clothesline. Boy follows up by knocking KTB out of the ring with a dragon screw leg whip, Boy hits KTB with a suicide dive before getting him in the ring. Boy then nails KTB with a springboard tornado DDT for a near fall, Boy goes for another springboard move and KTB blocks it to land a knee strike for a near fall. KTB goes to the top rope and he misses a moonsault attempt, Boy then hits KTB with a sliding elbow strike and a top rope double knee drop for a three count.

Winner: Jungle Boy

Diamante & Ivelisse vs. Kenzie Paige & Skyler Moore

The match begins with Diamante and Ivelisse attacking their opponents as the bell sounds, Moore and Paige fight back against their opponents. Ivelisse recovers to send Paige into Moore and then the corner, Diamante nails Moore with a package suplex for a near fall. Diamante corners Moore before landing shoulder thrusts, Moore fights back and Diamante nails her with a European uppercut. Ivelisse tags in and she double teams Moore with Diamante, Ivelisse holds Diamante down while pulling back on both arms. Diamante tags in and she cracks Moore with a bunch of strikes, Diamante holds Moore down while applying a chin lock to her. Moore gets free to hit Diamante with a head kick and middle rope cross body block, Diamante and Moore go down after a double clothesline. Ivelisse and Paige are tagged in by their respective partners, Paige quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Paige nails Ivelisse with a rolling neck breaker for a near fall, Diamante and Ivelisse double team Paige before Ivelisse lands a rolling head kick for a three count.

Winners: Diamante & Ivelisse

Colt Cabana vs. BSHP King

The match begins with Cabana getting King in a headlock, King gets free and Cabana nails him with a shoulder tackle before rolling him up for a near fall. Cabana follows up by dropping King with a few arm drags, Alex Reynolds and John Silver come out and that distracts Cabana. King attacks Cabana and he sends him out of the ring, Silver and Reynolds prevent a top rope dive from King. Cabana gets back in the ring and he nails King with elbow strikes, Cabana keeps King down while wrenching away on his leg. Cabana gets King by the ropes before landing a bunch of strikes on him, King fights back and Cabana sends him to the ring apron. Cabana climbs the ropes before getting distracted by Silver and Reynolds, King knocks Cabana off the ropes before missing a swanton bomb. Cabana catches King in the Superman for a three count.

Winner: Colt Cabana

Alan Angels vs. Adam Priest

The match begins with Angels nailing Priest with a shotgun drop kick, Angels keeps Priest cornered while landing some strikes. Angels follows up by dropping Priest with a back elbow strike, Priest fights back and he lands some kicks on Angels. Angels recovers to send Priest into the corner and land a clothesline, Angels also attacks Priest with some leg kicks. Angels then hits Priest with an enziguri and double stomp, Angels follows up with a middle rope moonsault on Priest for a near fall. Angels keeps Priest down while nailing him with a bunch of strikes, Priest fights back and he nails Angels with a clothesline followed by a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Angels recovers to drop Priest and land a head kick, Angel then hits Priest with a twisting fisherman buster suplex. Angels follows up with the Wing Snapper on Priest for a three count.

Winner: Alan Angels

- Frankie Kazarian is backstage and he says that he respects Jack Evans, Kazarian says he and Evans have been overlooked during their careers. Kazarian talks about always working hard to be at the top of the industry, Kazarian says he wants to capture all the AEW gold.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Jack Evans w/Angelico

The match begins with Kazarian scoring a takedown on Evans before working over his arm, Evans gets free and he gets Kazarian in a front headlock. Kazarian gets free and he gets Evans in his own headlock, Evans gets free and Kazarian drops him with a shoulder tackle followed by some hip tosses. Kazarian keeps Evans down while working over his arm, Evans gets free and he drops Kazarian with a head scissors takedown followed by some strikes. Kazarian recovers and he drops Evans before working over his arm, Evans gets free and he nails Kazarian with a spinning head kick after some Angelico interference. Evans follows Kazarian around the ring while landing some strikes, Evans drops Kazarian with a flying mid kick for a near fall. Kazarian fights back and Evans nails him with a northern lights suplex followed by a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Evans knocks Kazarian out of the ring so Angelico can work him over and get him back in the ring. Evans follows up by dropping Kazarian again for another near fall, Evans then drops Kazarian with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Kazarian catches a charging Evans in a few roll ups for a few near falls, Kazarian then nails a swinging Evans with a drop kick.

Kazarian follows up by nailing Evans with a flying forearm strike, Angelico tries interfering and Kazarian knocks him back to the arena floor. Kazarian then drops Evans with a clothesline for a near fall, Kazarian also nails Evans with a springboard leg drop for another near fall. Angelico interferes again and Kazarian attacks him, Evans hits Kazarian with a leg lariat afterwards for a near fall. Evans drops Kazarian with a leg sweep before landing a standing sky twist press for another near fall, Evans corners Kazarian before landing a handspring back elbow strike. Kazarian fights back and he avooids a reverse DDT to land one of his own on Evans for a three count.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

After the match, Angelico & Jack Evans attack Frankie Kazarian until Christopher Daniels makes the save.

Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds & Preston Vance) vs. Louie Valle, Baron Black & D3

The match begins with Reynolds attempting to recruit Valle and Valle turns him down before eating some strikes, Reynolds corners Valle before landing more strikes. Valle fights back and he nails Reynolds with strikes of his own, Valle then hits Reynolds with a missile drop kick. Black tags in and Reynolds immediately drops him, Silver tags in and he attacks Black with a few kicks. Black follows up by nailing a charging Silver with an atomic drop, Silver recovers and he nails Black with a back elbow strike. D3 tags in and he catches Silver in a roll up for a near fall, Silver follows up by nailing D3 with a front slam. Vance tags in and he crushes D3 with a power bomb, Vance follows up by nailing D3 with a fall away slam. Reynolds tags in and he double teams D3 alongside Silver, Vance tags back in and he nails D3 with a delayed vertical suplex. Silver tags in and he propels D3 across the ring, D3 fights abck and he manages to tag Valle into the match. Valle quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Dark Order recovers and the lay out the opposing team. Reynolds tags in and Valle is hit with a tripe team T-gimmick for a three count.

Winners: Dark Order (John Silver, Alex Reynolds & Preston Vance)

Wardlow vs. Vinny Pacifico

The match begins with Pacifico attacking Wardlow with a drop kick, Wardlow quickly recovers and he hits Pacifico with a power bomb. Wardlow nails Pacifico with a falling knee strike and the referee says Pacifico is unable to continue.

Winner: Wardlow

- Eddie Kingston is backstage with his family, he says everybody is going to pay now because they are all together.

Matt Sydal vs. Shawn Dean

The match begins with Sydal sending Dean into the corner before taking him down with a headlock, Dean gets free and Sydal works over his arm. Sydal gets Dean down while working over his arm again, Dean gets up and Sydal quickly gets him in a front headlock. Dean gets free to hit Sydal with arm drags and a headlock, Sydal gets free and Dean nails him with a drop kick. Sydal recovers and he nails Dean with a spinning head kick, Dean fights back and Sydal lands knee drops to his leg. Sydal then hits Dean with a leg sweep and standing swanton bomb for a near fall, Sydal follows up by nailing Dean with a brain buster for a near fall. Dean fights back and he nails Sydal with a few strikes, Sydal recovers and he gets Dean in an arm capture cross face. Dean gets free and Sydal cracks him with some more strikes, Dean recovers and he nails Sydal with a corner drop kick. Dean follows up by nailing Sydal with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Sydal recovers to drop Dean and land a knee strike for a near fall. Dean escapes a cobra clutch attempt and Sydal nails him with a head kick, Sydal drops Dean before applying a cobra clutch to him to force a tap out.

Winner: Matt Sydal

Sonny Kiss w/Joey Janela vs. Rey Fenix

The match begins with Fenix and Kiss taking turns working over each others arms, Kiss gets free to drop Fenix with a leg sweep. Kiss follows up by dropping Fenix with a head scissors takedown, Kiss also nails Fenix with a huracana. Kiss gets sent to the ring apron and he nails Fenix with a head kick, Fenix avoids a springboard leap from Kiss to land a huracanarana and a drop kick. Kiss fights back to nail Fenix with an arm drag and drop kick, Fenix recovers and he sends Kiss shoulder first into the top turnbuckle. Fenix then wrenches the arm of Kiss around the top rope, Fenix holds Kiss down while pulling back on his arms before rolling him up for a near fall. Fenix keeps Kiss down while holding him in a modified single leg crab, Kiss gets free and he nails Fenix with a few strikes. Kiss’ arm gives out on him and Fenix locks him in a modified bow and arrow stretch, Fenix releases the hold before kicking the injured arm of Kiss. Kiss fights back again and Fenix makes him down a split before landing multiple head kicks for a near fall, Kiss fights back to drop Fenix with a spinning elbow strike followed by an enziguri. Kiss traps Fenix on the middle rope before landing an axe kick, Kiss then hits Fenix with a top rope split leg drop for a near fall.

Fenix recovers and he goes for a single leg crab until Kiss rolls him up for a near fall, Kiss then hits Fenix with a hook kick and flat liner for a near fall. Kiss goes to the top rope and Fenix nails him with a right, Fenix nails Kiss with a spinning muscle buster for a three count.

Winner: Rey Fenix

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