AEW Dark 6/30/20 Results: The Young Bucks, Allie, Brandi Rhodes, Lance Archer & More In Action

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Chelsea Green On Sol Ruca: I Could Totally See Her Going Up And Thriving On The Main Roster

- The show starts with Brandon Cutler and Peter Avalon arguing backstage before they are told that they will team up tonight, The Young Bucks approach and they say they’ll teach them about being a tag team tonight.

Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard vs. Max Caster

The match begins with Spears scoring a takedown on Caster, Spears gets Caster back down while working over his arm. Caster gets free after nailing Spears with an arm drag, Caster gets Spears in a headlock and Spears gets free to trip Caster up. Spears keeps Caster down while landing cross face strikes, Spears follows up by nailing Caster with a back suplex. Spears keeps Caster down while stomping away on him, Spears goes back to working over the arm of a downed Caster. Spears keeps Caster down while ripping away at his face, Caster fights back and Spears nails him with a spine buster. Spears then hits Caster with a C4 for a three count.

Winner: Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard

After the match, Shawn Spears punches Max Caster with the loaded glove.

Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts vs. Pineapple Pete

The match begins with Archer attacking Pete during his entrance, Pete fights back and he knocks Archer into Roberts. Archer gets angry and Pete nails him with a few strikes, Pete then sends a charging Archer to the ring apron. Pete uses a drop kick to knock Archer to the arena floor, Pete goes for a dive and Archer catches him before landing a choke slam on the ringside edge. Archer grabs Pete and he throws him right into the barricade, Archer gets Pete back in the ring and he lands a middle rope dive for a near fall. Archer then clobbers Pete with a clothesline to the back of the head, Archer keeps Pete down while stomping away on him. Pete leaves the ring and Archer gets him back in before landing a suplex throw, Pete fights back and he nails Archer with a few strikes. Archer gets mad and he drops Pete with a forearm strike, Archer then hits Pete with a twisting splash for a near fall. Archer traps Pete in the corner while landing a few strikes, Archer goes for Blackout and Pete gets free before landing a few strikes. Archer recovers to hit Pete with a Blackout and EVD Claw for a three count.

Winner: Lance Archer w/Jake Roberts

After the match, Lance Archer attacks Pineapple Pete until Joey Janela makes the save.

Ricky Starks vs. Griff Garrison

The match begins with Starks escaping a slam attempt from Garrison, Starks starts working over the arm of Garrison. Garrison gets free and he cracks Starks with a forearm strike, Starks recovers and he trips up a charging Garrison. Garrison goes for a hip toss and Starks lands a few of his own before nailing Garrison with a drop kick, Starks drags Garrison across the ring while smashing his face on the top turnbuckle. Garrison fights back and Starks drops him with a back elbow strike, Starks corners Garrison while kicking away at him. Garrison recovers and he nails a cornered Starks with an avalanche, Starks fights back and he hits Garrison with a missile drop kick. Garrison fights back and he exchanges some chops with Starks, Starks ends the exchange by nailing Garrison with a spear for a three count.

Winner: Ricky Starks

Scorpio Sky vs. Brady Pierce

The match begins with Pierce shoving Sky across the ring, Sky drops Pierce with a drop toe hold before applying a front headlock. Pierce gets free and he gets Sky on the top rope before they exchange slaps, Sky gets off the ropes and he attacks Pierce with a ton of strikes. Sky then hits Pierce with a drop kick before wrenching away on his arm, Sky catches Pierce in a roll up before landing a leaping back elbow strike. Pierce fights back and he cracks Sky with a few strikes, Pierce corners Sky before landing a pump kick to the face for a near fall. Pierce keeps Sky down while attacking him with more strikes, Sky fights back and he knocks Pierce to the arena floor. Sky gets Pierce back in the ring before landing a slingshot cutter for a three count.

Winner: Scorpio Sky


Brandi Rhodes & Allie w/Dustin Rhodes vs. KiLynn King & Skyler Moore

The match begins with Rhodes dropping King with an arm drag, King trips up Rhodes before they exchange a few pin attempts. Rhodes then drops King with a springboard arm drag, Allie tags herself in and she nails King with a series of running elbow strikes. Allie cracks King with a series of knee strikes before dropping her with a third one, Allie goes to the middle rope and Rhodes tags herself in. King then drops Rhodes with a clothesline while she was arguing with Allie, King sends Rhodes into the corner before landing a few strikes. Moore tags in and she kicks away at a cornered Rhodes, King tags in and she kicks away at the cornered Rhodes. Moore tags in and Rhodes knocks both opponents into each other, King and Moore recover to double team Rhodes for a near fall. Moore mounts Rhodes before attacking her with a ton of strikes, Moore then nails Rhodes with a power slam for a near fall. Rhodes fights back and she nails Moore with a stunner, Allie tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team. Allie insults Dustin before nailing Moore with a bulldog, Allie nails Moore with a falling elbow strike. Rhodes gets the tag before pinning Moore for a three count.

Winners: Brandi Rhodes & Allie w/Dustin Rhodes

The Butcher & The Blade vs. Fuego Del Sol & Low Rider

The match begins with Blade getting Del Sol in a headlock before scoring a takedown on him, Blade focuses his attack on the arm of Del Sol. Butcher tags in and he double teams Del Sol with Blade, Butcher and Blade toss Del Sol completely across the ring. Rider tags in and Butcher drops him with a uranage, Blade tags in and he double teams Rider with Butcher. Blade then nails Rider with a clothesline before landing some strikes in the corner, Blade then nails Rider with a back drop driver. Butcher tags in and Rider fights back before tagging Del Sol in, Del Sol nails Butcher with a few strikes before eating a knee strike. Butcher applies the cloverleaf to Del Sol while Blade suplexes Rider into the corner, Butcher hits Del Sol with a power bomb into a Boston crab to force a tap out.

Winners: The Butcher & The Blade


The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Brandon Cutler & Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Cutler and Matt, Matt gains control by working over the arm of Cutler and Cutler does the same to him. Matt then nails Cutler with a drop kick before working over his arm again, Nick tags in and he nails the arm of Cutler with an axe handle smash. Cutler gains control and Avalon refuses to tag in, Nick fights back and he drops Avalon on the stage before tagging Matt in. Matt nails an elevated Cutler with a cutter, Avalon tags in and Matt immediately starts working over his arm. Nick tags in and he double teams Avalon with Matt, Cutler interferes as Matt tags in and Cutler gets double teamed as well. Avalon interferes to attack Matt and then tag himself in, Cutler and Avalon start arguing in the ring. Nick tags in and he works with Matt to nail the opposition with double drop kicks, Nick and Matt then clear the ring before nailing their opponents with dives. Nick gets Avalon back in the ring and Leva tries interfering, Avalon nails Nick with a back elbow strike before Matt tags in. Matt nails an unsuspecting Avalon with a spear from out of nowhere, Matt keeps Avalon down while applying a front headlock. Nick tags in and he double teams Avalon with Matt, Nick nails a downed Avalon with a knee strike for a near fall.

Matt tags in and he gets dropped as Avalon lands a double clothesline alongside him, Cutler tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Cutler slingshots Nick onto Matt before landing a springboard forearm strike, Cutler and Avalon clear the ring before Cutler lands a suicide dive on The Bucks. Cutler gets Matt in the ring before landing a cross body block for a near fall, Avalon tags in and he immediately argues with Cutler. Cutler and Avalon work together to attack both of The Bucks, Avalon nails Matt with a tornado DDT before Cutler lands a springboard splash for a near fall. Matt fights back to land a double northern lights suplex on Cutler and Avalon, Nick tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. The Bucks nail Cutler and Avalon with multiple suplex, The Bucks then hit Avalon with a BTE Trigger for a three count.

Winners: The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)

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